Joseph Murphy: Meditation for Victories Over All Obstacles to Richer Living
I now let go of everything; I enter into the realization of peace, harmony, and joy. God is all, over all, through all, and all in all. I lead the triumphant life, because I know that divine love guides, directs, sustains, and heals me. The immaculate presence of God is at the very center of my being; it is made manifest now in every atom of my body. There can be no delay, impediment, or obstruction to the realization of my hearts desire.
The Almighty power of God is now moving in my behalf. None shall stay its hand, and say unto it, what doest thou? I know what I want; my desire is clear-cut and definite. I accepted completely in my mind. I remain faithful to the end. I have entered into the silent inner knowing that my prayer is answered and my mind is at peace
Joseph Murphy: Meditation for Overcoming Irritations in any Circumstance
He that is slow to wrath, is of great understanding; but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly. I am always poised, serene, and calm. The peace of God floods my mind and my whole being. I practiced the golden rule and sincerely wish peace and goodwill to all men.
I know that the love of all things which are good penetrates my mind casting out all fear. I am now living in the joyous expectancy of the best. My mind is free from all worry and doubt. My words of truth now dissolve every negative thought and emotion within me. I forgive everyone; I open the doorway of my heart to God’s presence. My whole being is flooded with the light and understanding from within.
The petty things of life no longer irritate me. When fear, worry, and doubt knock at my door, faith in goodness, truth, and beauty opens the door, and there is no one there. Oh, God, thou art my God, and there is none else.
Joseph Murphy: Meditation for Overcoming Fears of All Kinds
There is no fear, as perfect love casts out fear. Today I permit love to keep me in perfect harmony and peace with all levels of my world. My thoughts are loving, kind, and harmonious. I sense my oneness with God, for in him I live, move, and have my being.
I know that all my desires will be realized in perfect order. I trust the divine law within me to bring my ideals to pass. The father doeth the works. I am divine, spiritual, joyous, and absolutely fearless. I am now surrounded by the perfect piece of God; it is the peace of God which passes all understanding. I now place all my attention on the thing desired. I love this desire and I give it my wholehearted attention.
My spirit is lifted into the mood of confidence and peace; this is the spirit of God moving in me. It gives me a sense of peace, security, and rest. Truly, perfect love casts out all fear.
God dwells at the center of my being. God is peace: this piece enfolds me in its arms now there is a deep feeling of security, vitality, and strength underlined this piece. This inner sense of peace, in which I now dwell, is a silent brooding presence of God. The love and the light of God watch over me, as a loving mother watches over the sleeping child. Deep in my heart is the holy presence that is my peace, my strength, and my source of supply.
All fear has vanished. I see God in all people; I see God manifest in all things. I am an instrument of the divine presence. I now released this inner peace; it flows through my entire being releasing and dissolving all problems; this is the peace that passes understanding.
Joseph Murphy: Meditation for the Riches of the Quiet Mind
Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. I am still and at peace. My heart and my mind are motivated by the spirit of goodness, truth and beauty. My thought is now on the presence of God within me; this stills my mind
I know that the way of creation is spirit moving upon itself. My true self now moves in and on its self creating peace, harmony and health in my body and affairs. I am divine in my deeper self. I know that I am a son of the living God; I create the way God creates by the self contemplation of spirit. I know my body does not move itself.
It is acted upon by my thoughts and emotions.
I now say to my body, be still and quiet. It must obey. I understand this and I know it is a divine law. I take my attention away from the physical world; I feast in the house of God within me. I meditate and feast upon harmony, health and peace; those come forth from the God essence within; I am at peace. My body is a temple of the living God.
God is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silent before him.
Joseph Murphy: Meditation for Being in the Presence of Infinite Riches
Today I am reborn spiritually! I completely detach myself from the old way of thinking and I bring divine love, light and truth definitely into my experience. I consciously feel love for everyone I meet. Mentally I say to everyone I contact, I see the God he knew and I know you see the God in me. I recognize the qualities of God in everyone. I practice this morning, noon and night; it is a living part of me.
I am reborn spiritually now, because all day long I practice the presence of God. No matter what I am doing, whether I am walking the street, shopping or about my daily business, whenever my thought wanders away from God or the good, I bring it back to the contemplation of his holy presence. I feel noble, dignified and godlike. I walk in a high mood sensing my oneness with God. His peace fills my soul
Joseph Murphy: Meditation For Opening the Gateway to Right Action
I radiate goodwill to all mankind in thought, word and deed. I know the peace and goodwill that I radiate to every man comes back to me a thousand fold. Whatever I need to know comes to me from the God self within me. Infinite intelligence is operating through me revealing to me what I need to know. God in me knows only the answer.
The perfect answer is made known to me now. Infinite intelligence and divine wisdom make all decisions through me, and there is only right action and right expression taking place in my life. Every night I wrapped myself in the mantle of God’s love and fall asleep knowing divine guidance is mine. When the dawn comes, I am filled with peace. I go forth into the new day full of faith, confidence and trust. Thank you, father
Joseph Murphy: Meditation For Effective Imagination
Where there is no vision, the people perish. My vision is that I desire to know more of God and the way he works. My vision is for perfect health, harmony and peace. My vision is the inner faith that infinite Spirit leads and guides me now and always. I know and believe that the God power within me answers my prayer; this is a deep conviction within me I know that the mental picture to which I remain faithful will be developed in my subconscious mind and come forth on the screen.
I make it my daily practice to imagine for myself and others only that which is noble, wonderful and Godlike. I now imagine that I am doing the thing I long to do; I imagine that I now possess the things I long to possess; I imagine I am what I long to be. To make it real, I feel the reality of it; I know that it is so. Thank you, father.
Joseph Murphy: Meditation For Impregnating Your Subconscious Mind
Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. My creative word is my silent conviction that my prayer is answered. When I speak the word for healing, success or prosperity, my word is spoken in the consciousness of life in power, knowing that it is done.
My word has power, because it is one with omnipotence. The words I speak are always constructive and creative. When I pray, my words are full of life, love and feeling; this makes my affirmations, thoughts and words creative. I know the greater my faith behind the words spoken, the more power it has. The words I use form a definite mold which determine what for my thought is to take.
Divine intelligence operates through me now in reveals to me what I need to know. I have the answer now. I am at peace. God is peace.
Joseph Murphy: Meditation to have the Power of Faith
The prayer of faith shall save the sick and God shall raise him up. I know that no matter what the negation of yesterday was, my prayer or affirmation of truth will rise triumphantly over it today. I steadfastly behold the joy of the answered prayer. I walk all day long in the light.
Today is God’s day; it is a glorious day for me, as it is full of peace, harmony and joy. My faith in the good is written in my heart and felt in my inward parts. I am absolutely convinced that there is a presence and a perfect law which receives the impress of my desire now and which irresistibly attracts into by experience all the good things my heart desires. I now place all my reliance, faith, and trust in the power in presence of God within me; I am at peace.
I know I am a guest of the infinite and that God is my host. I hear the invitation of the holy one saying, come unto me all ye that labor, and I will give you rest. I rest in God; all is well.