Tag Archives: Joseph Murphy: Meditation for Overcoming Irritations in any Circumstance

Murphy Overcoming Irritations

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Joseph Murphy: Meditation for Overcoming Irritations in any Circumstance

He that is slow to wrath, is of great understanding; but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly. I am always poised, serene, and calm. The peace of God floods my mind and my whole being. I practiced the golden rule and sincerely wish peace and goodwill to all men.

I know that the love of all things which are good penetrates my mind casting out all fear. I am now living in the joyous expectancy of the best. My mind is free from all worry and doubt. My words of truth now dissolve every negative thought and emotion within me. I forgive everyone; I open the doorway of my heart to God’s presence. My whole being is flooded with the light and understanding from within.

The petty things of life no longer irritate me. When fear, worry, and doubt knock at my door, faith in goodness, truth, and beauty opens the door, and there is no one there. Oh, God, thou art my God, and there is none else.