Single Play |
Looped 10 |
Looped 25 |

If I am sad, if I am hurt, if I am lonely or in despair,
if I forget Who I am, or am filled with shame or regret,
if I am lost or overwhelmed and confused, if I lose my way,
if I feel sick, or wounded, or gripped by fear,
if I feel abandoned, weak, deprived or that I am not enough,
if I feel that I cannot go on, or do not know which way to turn –
I do not need to withdraw from the world to hide from life.
I can turn to my Refuge and Security by hanging on the Vine
as I drink in the golden elixer of the Divine Love that nourishes me
back to to wholeness and to remembrance of the Truth.
The Angels encircle me while I am being restored and renewed
even as I go about my normal day of people, places and things.
Grace enfolds me and I relax into the Everlasting Arms of
the Love that forgives, heals, soothes and feeds my soul.
I let go of time as I allow my heart to open to RECEIVE all
of the healing Qi that is flowing through me now.
There is no hurry, no way to rush the seasons of life.
Where I am is where I am, and I allow myself this time.
Mercy, kindness, gentleness and peace are the sun
that warm me now as I hang on the Vine
drinking in the One Power and Presence
which restoreth my soul.