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Looped 10 |
Looped 25 |

Thou Mighty Infinite Presence, All-Pervading Intelligence, All-
Pervading Substance of Light, Thou Mighty Presence, Thou Ascended Jesus Christ
now manifest through His Mighty Radiance! We give praise and thanks unto the
Light, unto Thee, O Mighty Brother! We give praise unto the Central Sun to the One
from whose Ray we receive today.
Out of the fullness of Thy Radiant Life, O God, we bow in adoration before Thy
Mighty Presence.
I bring you Greetings from the Great Master or God Meru, whose Messenger is
Nada. He is to one great mountain of this earth, whose mystery shall one day be
explained, as the Master Himalaya is to the Himalayan range. Nada is with Me in
the Golden City upon whose Twin Rays We come forth today. During these next
seven weeks, as designated and as you have felt, Our joint Ray shall come to you
each time from the Golden City.