Tag Archives: Audio Wealth Affirmations

Daily Affirmation 75

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Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

Today I stand in the calm center of the Divine Presence.
Here I am Guided to all the right thoughts, actions and attitudes.
I have given up struggle, pushing and straining as
I allow God’s Joy to bubble up from within my spirit.
Everything in my life is an expression of that Joy.
I let go of separation, fear and the desire to control people and conditions.
I expect and accept miracles today as I turn my eyes to God.
This is a day of blessings and of Light.

Daily Affirmation 73

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Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I will ONLY speak words of blessing and increase on this day.
God is THE author of restoration and expansion.
I know that I am Who God says I am and
I can do what God says I can do.
I am not weak, but strong.
I am not diminished, but expanding.
I am not limited, but empowered from within.

This is not the end, but the beginning of the overflow years
in which the good is more than enough to share and to spare.
God is faithful and I am living under God’s promises.
I call today good and I look forward to the many
blessings and miracles which I will have to report
at the end of this glorious day.

Daily Affirmation 69

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Daily Affirmation

In this month devoted to Love, I let go of “special” love in order
to have a heart overflowing with holy love for all Life and Self.
I open the portals of my soul today to let the love blow through
like the warm cleansing winds that deliver the pollen to make flowers grow.
My love is big, bountiful, nourishing and magnetic.
Everywhere I look today I see more to praise and appreciate
because today all fear and grievances have dissolved and
I am left with a heart full of love for all of Life!

Daily Affirmation 63

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Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

Good day Springtime of my Spirit!
Thank You for this beautiful day – this fresh new opportunity to LIVE!
I am renewed in the Grace and Glory of God today
as I release and forgive the past and stand ready for the new.

In this Grace all my needs are supplied – the love, peace, joy,
companionship, health, harmony, work, money, homes or
whatever other need arises is met by this bountiful Source within.
I relax now and LISTEN for the Words of Guidance as
I give thanks for all that has been given, and all that I am and God is

Daily Affirmation 58

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Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

Reality is plastic and my thoughts are creative.
Today’s “facts” are just the result of yesterday’s thinking.
And I can think NEW THOUGHTS today that will create
new facts in my tomorrows if I am willing to change my mind.
Nothing ever stops or hinders me except me.

No one else is creating in my life. I am the one.
I get to choose what I BELIEVE and
what story I will tell myself.
Through my thoughts, words, attitudes and actions,
I joyfully create the life I love to live.

Daily Affirmation 51

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Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I have put love at the very center of my life.
Love is the why of everything I do and it carries me
through to completion when things get tough.
Love is what compels and impels my life and
this Love is very essence of Who and what I am.

Love lights my way today as I focus my attention on
the loves of my life – those people and things that
bring the most joy to me – music, art, friends, pets,
sunshine, children’s laughter, wild flowers –
I am guided, driven, compelled and lifted up by love today.

Daily Affirmation 47

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Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

Love and peace and joy are stalking me today.
God is obsessed with me and miracles are lighting my world
as the Universe rises up to remove all obstacles.

This is a day of endless Grace, with Angels on every corner.
I receive the gifts of God today as I share the good
with all who cross my holy path today.
I am loved and loving, happy and whole.
There is nothing to fear.

Daily Affirmation 45

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Daily Affirmation

Right here, right now, no matter what happens in my world,
all things are held perfectly in the hands of God.
From the smallest to the greatest,
everything is illuminated with the Presence.

I will not study or obsess about problems and wounds today
but will instead remember that there is no opposite to God.
There are not two powers in the Universe, but only One,
and in this One, I live and move and have my being.
There is nothing to fear.

Daily Affirmation 40

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Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

Just as light dissolves darkness at the speed of light,
an old energy pattern can be quickly reversed
as miracles dissolve all limits and problems.

I need no breakthroughs today for I simply
turn up my Light and all fear dissolves.
Therefore, I allow my JOY to rise as I align
myself with the Power & Presence of Divine Grace.
My life unfolds in perfect ease, peace and happiness today
as I focus on all the beauty and blessings of my world.

There is no need to fix or save anyone else.
The Divine Presence within me activates that
same Divine Presence in all those who choose it.
Life is good in this bountiful magical Universe of ours.

Daily Affirmation 33

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Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I breathe in deeply and I am relaxed and at peace.
Nothing wavers me from my truth today as
I stand firmly in the Love and Grace of God.
Nothing disturbs me today and it is impossible
for me to contain the Love that is flowing through me now.
Life rises up to greet me as I walk through the open doors
summoning my good to me through my JOYFUL vibration.

I do not struggle, push against, argue with or try to make anything happen.
Life is for me and none are against me as I walk in gentleness and love today..

Incoming search terms:

  • https://iammeditations org/daily-affirmation-33