Tag Archives: better business

Daily Affirmation 76

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I surrender to the Grace and Peace of God today as
I practice gentle kindness with myself in all my thoughts and actions.
As I am kind and loving with myself, I am kind and loving with others.
I walk in God’s Love today and I know that I always have what I need.
This is a day of effortless Grace as I let go of MY agenda and
accept His plan in place of my own. No matter what happens today,
I know that I am held in Light and all is well

Daily Affirmation 49

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

There is no competition, criticism nor
condemnation in me nor towards me.
There is more than enough good for all of us to thrive.
Everyone wins in my space, including me.

I walk and live in an atmosphere of joyful success
and all around me Life reflects my Consciousness
as my days unfold in effortlessly happy ways.
I am prepared to be delighted by Life today.

Daily Affirmation 42

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

In my world, magic and miracles are daily happenings.
I find beauty in the most mundane and simple things
because I see with spiritual vision, not merely by physical sight.
All around me, the fairies of the Universe conspire to Light
my path and lead me to the open doors to my greatest joy.

I expect Life to go well today for my world is formed by my thoughts.
My world is a place of rainbows, unicorns and butterscotch fields
even while on the concrete roads and behind corporate doors.
The magic is in me, not in the world because that is where God placed it.
I am happy in my present and looking forward to all the wonders
that lay before me today as I walk through the magical open doors.
I am calm, alert and ready to ACCEPT the gifts of God today.

Daily Affirmation 35

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I bless my body and I bathe it in Light with
my loving thoughts and feelings today.
This body is an expression of Consciousness and there
is nothing unspiritual or unholy about it in any way.
It is a form of expression and communication whether it is
in savoring food, sexual expression, loving words and actions
or simply resting in the warm afternoon sunlight.

I bless this body just as it is and just as it is not.
It is an extension of my own Creative Imagination and
is my oldest and dearest companion – I give thanks for this precious friend.

Daily Affirmation 15

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

Here in my own yard, all is well.
I stay in my own business and clean up my own vibration
by choosing the thoughts that feel good when I think them.
There is a Power and a Presence which guides my actions
and leads my feet as I align myself with Higher Thoughts.
There is no need to struggle or strive to get somewhere.
I am following my joy and peace through the open doors.
I am anointed with Grace to accomplish all with ease as
I relax into the downstream thoughts, knowing that all is well.

Daily Affirmation 13

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

Nothing can hinder nor obstruct my good today except a thought.
I now dissolve all limiting beliefs and ideas, knowing that
I live in a lavishly abundant Universe of endless possibilities.
I stretch out my arms and open my heart today to receive.
The Creative Force of Life is now flowing through me and
everything I need to know is revealed to me as
as I align myself with this Creative Intelligence.
My thoughts are creative and my words are containers for Power.
I think and speak my world into being today and
I expect a day of peace, joy and ease as
I relax into the Power that effortlessly creates galaxies

Daily Affirmation 9

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

There is a Dynamic Power and Presence in the Universe that I call God.
God is good. Life is good – and I am good.
I am not weak, nor damaged, not insane, nor a sinner.
I am capable and powerful. I am a Child of the God of Love.
All things are possible for me and I create
a wonderful life for myself through this Divine Love within me.
My heart is full of overflowing Love for all of Life.
Love is everywhere and I am lovable and loving.
Today I am channeling this Love, therefore my Presence is
healing, soothing, uplifting and joyful to those around me.
Today is a delightful day of unfolding good.

I AM Benediction 25

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

From out the Heart of Thy Great Silence, O “Mighty I AM
Presence,” comes the Solution of all things, the Perfection of all things; for Thou
art the Only Governing Power, Perfection, and Intelligence in all outer experience;
for Thou art the Presence governing all human expression. Only as we see Thy
Perfect Manifestation in all things do we cause Perfection to manifest in all things

I AM Benediction 10

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Wondrous Presence of the God “I AM”! We give praise and thanks
for this feeling of the certainty of Thy Presence that is growing within the
consciousness of these students under this Radiation. We rejoice in the Great Light
of Thy Presence enfolding each one, which goes forth unto all humanity, changing
all discord into Love and Peace. We thank Thee

I AM Benediction 7

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Thou Infinite, All-pervading Presence, whose Active Intelligence
governs all who look unto Thee, fill each one who seeks the Light with
Thy Mighty Inner Light. Hold each one closer and closer in the “Great I AM
Presence,” that It fills the world of everyone with Thy Great, Great Perfection; and
that the consciousness of each individual desires only that Great, Great Presence
and Perfection.