Tag Archives: audio affitmations

Murphy Quiet Mind

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Joseph Murphy: Meditation for the Riches of the Quiet Mind

Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. I am still and at peace. My heart and my mind are motivated by the spirit of goodness, truth and beauty. My thought is now on the presence of God within me; this stills my mind

I know that the way of creation is spirit moving upon itself. My true self now moves in and on its self creating peace, harmony and health in my body and affairs. I am divine in my deeper self. I know that I am a son of the living God; I create the way God creates by the self contemplation of spirit. I know my body does not move itself.
It is acted upon by my thoughts and emotions.

I now say to my body, be still and quiet. It must obey. I understand this and I know it is a divine law. I take my attention away from the physical world; I feast in the house of God within me. I meditate and feast upon harmony, health and peace; those come forth from the God essence within; I am at peace. My body is a temple of the living God.
God is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silent before him.

Murphy Infinite Riches

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Joseph Murphy: Meditation for Being in the Presence of Infinite Riches

Today I am reborn spiritually! I completely detach myself from the old way of thinking and I bring divine love, light and truth definitely into my experience. I consciously feel love for everyone I meet. Mentally I say to everyone I contact, I see the God he knew and I know you see the God in me. I recognize the qualities of God in everyone. I practice this morning, noon and night; it is a living part of me.

I am reborn spiritually now, because all day long I practice the presence of God. No matter what I am doing, whether I am walking the street, shopping or about my daily business, whenever my thought wanders away from God or the good, I bring it back to the contemplation of his holy presence. I feel noble, dignified and godlike. I walk in a high mood sensing my oneness with God. His peace fills my soul

Murphy Effective Imagination

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Looped 25

Joseph Murphy: Meditation For Effective Imagination

Where there is no vision, the people perish. My vision is that I desire to know more of God and the way he works. My vision is for perfect health, harmony and peace. My vision is the inner faith that infinite Spirit leads and guides me now and always. I know and believe that the God power within me answers my prayer; this is a deep conviction within me I know that the mental picture to which I remain faithful will be developed in my subconscious mind and come forth on the screen.

I make it my daily practice to imagine for myself and others only that which is noble, wonderful and Godlike. I now imagine that I am doing the thing I long to do; I imagine that I now possess the things I long to possess; I imagine I am what I long to be. To make it real, I feel the reality of it; I know that it is so. Thank you, father.