Tag Archives: affirmations

Buy Affirmations for Download

People keep asking how to download these affirmations. Obviously this is a streaming site that took several months to create and narrate. And I made it free for a reason. But, I realize that a lot of people like having affirmations on their phones and tablets I have decided to make that option now available. Do not feel the need to avail yourself of this, but it is available if you should so wish. How it Works; You can choose 5 affirmations, any length, ie,single, 10x, etc…send me the titles of the affirmations, I will send you a paypal invoice for $25, $5.00 each and when the invoice is paid I will zip a folder together and send you a link. Easy peasy…

Click the Contact / Submission link in the Nav bar and include the list of affirmations

Question: Can I just buy 1
Answer: No

Questions: Can I buy more then 5
Answer: Yes

Question: What format are these audios
Answer: MP3

Question: How long till I get my Affirmations?
Answer: I will not compile the audios until you pay the invoice, then it will be within 24 hours.

Question: Do you do Custom Affirmations
Answer: Standard voice over rates are $250 an hour, if that dont scare you contact me.

Question: Can you give me an example of an order request

Murphy Mental Poise x 10
Murphy Overcoming Fears x 10
I AM Invocation 4 x 10
U S Anderson Illusion x10
Book of Mirdad 1 x10

( The X10 means you want the file that is looped 10 times…best value for the money )

Incoming search terms:

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Daily Affirmation 71

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

There is no criticism, competition nor condemnation in me nor towards me.
Everyone wins in my space, including me!
Divine Love is drawing to me now all that is needed
to make me happy and make my life complete.
This a miraculous joyous day and I cannot wait
to see how Spirit handles every little detail perfectly!

Incoming search terms:

  • dr joseph murphy abundance

Daily Affirmation 67

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

Life loves me and is seeking me out to bless today.
I open my heart, my mind and my hands today to receive
the blessings of God as I allow Grace to guide me through the open doors.
I gently share my blessings all those who are open to receive me
and the gifts I have to give through the Presence within me.
Life loves me and love pursues me.

Daily Affirmation 65

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

The thoughts I think and the words I speak
are creating my world for me today and for tomorrow.
I choose to create the best by expecting only good to come.
I love and honor myself because I am a child of God,
therefore I deserve and accept only that which reflects
my Divine Inheritance and I am OPEN TO RECEIVE it now.

Incoming search terms:

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Daily Affirmation 61

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

Success, joy, peace and Life cling to me like static electricity.
I cannot shake it off no matter what I do today.
Life loves me and love pursues me.

Daily Affirmation 59

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

My mind is my good friend and servant.
It awaits my direction on what to think about and focus on.
I rule my mind, which I alone must rule.
I choose to rule with love, joy, peace and kindness today.
I focus on the thoughts and aspects of life that stimulate JOY in me.

I am not waiting for life or other people or God to make me happy.
I love that I get to choose how good I want to feel by focusing my mind on
the POSITIVE ASPECTS of whatever and whoever is in my world today.
My heart is open, my mind is clear, my spirit is renewed and
everything I need comes to me today in ease, joy and Grace!

Incoming search terms:

  • https://iammeditations org/tag/joseph-benner
  • https://iammeditations org/daily-affirmation-59

Daily Affirmation 57

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

Today I release all tension and resistance
as I surrender into the flow of Divine Grace.
I forgive and am forgiven.
I release and am released
as I activate the Christ Consciousness within me.
Whatever I need is given me this day.
I have all that I need to handle whatever occurs today
and there is no hurry, no need to rush.

I am in perfect Divine Timing.
I keep myself in the now, focused on
the step in front of me as I breathe,
trust, love and stay in my own business.
This is a day of blessed Grace, peace and ease
and everything is unfolding for my greatest good

Daily Affirmation 55

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I am a Mystic and a Miracle Tracker.
Like a detective I gather up the evidence and clues as
I record and build my case to prove that Grace is loosed upon the Earth.
I am filled with wonder as I walk my path today.
Wonderful experiences just fall in my lap and
I am guided by the Light to the best opportunities.
And this is all because I have chosen to think NEW
thoughts and BELIEVE in possibilities instead of limitations.
None of it comes from the outside, for the only Power is the Christ within.
Nothing and no one can save me – I am safe because
I choose to think safe and loving thoughts.

I look around me today and see beauty, order and goodness.
I am co-creating my Life today with every thought I think.
The world I see is the one I invoke through my Consciousness.
Today I am invoking the world of wonder and delight and
I fully expect miracle after miracle to light my way.

Daily Affirmation 52

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

With God ALL things are possible.
I am filled and surrounded by love and support today and
I will not let the ego steal my joy from me.
No matter what, I can always massage my own thoughts
to a better feeling place and guide my mind to greater relief.

I do not look to others to please me or soothe me because
I am the only thinker in my own mind.
I can move my mind up the emotional scale
to a place of greater joy, freedom and peace.
As I activate this Divine Power, miracle follows miracle in my world.
With God, ALL things are possible FOR ME!

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  • https://iammeditations org/daily-affirmation-52
  • 52 weekly affirmations joseph murphy pdf

Daily Affirmation 43

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

Love and Joy are the guiding forces of my life.
I need do nothing to force anything happen for the
Divine Plan of my life operates through attraction, not promotion.
I follow the Call to Joy instead of the drive of ambition.

My vibration is clear, strong and alive with prospering power.
I listen to the Guidance of the still small Voice and
I know that God is on the Field.
Today I am walking through the open doors as
I recognize that right where I am, God is, and all is well