Tag Archives: neville goddard

Daily Affirmation 65

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Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

The thoughts I think and the words I speak
are creating my world for me today and for tomorrow.
I choose to create the best by expecting only good to come.
I love and honor myself because I am a child of God,
therefore I deserve and accept only that which reflects
my Divine Inheritance and I am OPEN TO RECEIVE it now.

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Daily Affirmation 50

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Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

The Light is extending not only on Summer Solstice,
but through all of my life as my greater good keeps unfolding.
I am open to receive the unlimited blessings of Consciousness today
as I joyfully take my emotional journey from good, to better, to best.

I focus my attention on ONLY the good today as
I give praise and gratitude to all I see, hear, feel & experience.
I EXPECT miracles today because my summer garden
is overflowing with the beauty and order of God.
My vibration is high, holy and joyfully Helpful!

Daily Affirmation 37

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Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

In my world, there is magic even in the mundane.
I am not looking for special people or special moments.
This moment is enough and I am sufficient for the moment.
By Grace, I see my world with loving gentle eyes and
I allow myself to be just as I am, and just as I am not.

Therefore, I release all others to be just as they are.
I will not push or bully myself today but instead
I walk with the Mighty Ones Who guide me
down the gentle paths of freedom, love and peace.

Daily Affirmation 29

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Daily Affirmation

I do not have to believe every thought that comes into mind.
I have the freedom to choose today what thoughts to keep
and what thoughts to dissolve back into the ethers through surrender.
Today, I choose the feelings I want to feel and the dominant
thoughts I want to think about myself, life and each experience before me.
What a glorious world in which I am not at the whim of my moods.

Today, I choose the peace, love and joy of God to guide and direct me
to all that is for my highest good and greatest expansion.
I have a wonderful present and a brilliant future.
Life is loving me and my best years are still ahead of me.

Daily Affirmation 27

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Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

Love makes my world beautiful today.
As I look through the eyes of love today,
I see a world of beauty and of Light.
I will not focus on the errors in myself or others,
but instead will be a detective seeking clues
leading to the innocence, kindness and Grace in us all.

I am shredding all evidence to the contrary as
I dissolve all walls around my heart and take down all defenses.
Love is my strength today as I open my heart to receive the
Love of God & let it flow through me to the world around me.

Daily Affirmation 3

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Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

The Universe is friendly and loving.
My world is happy and Life is good.
As I align myself with Spirit,
miracles light the path before me
and I walk one Graceful step at a time.
I forgive the past and release all grievances as
I focus my attention on all the gifts of today.
I am filled with the Light of the Great Rays
which illumine my world and draw to me all
that is for the highest good of all concerned.

Daily Affirmation

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Looped 25

Daily Affirmations

I am a creative being, an extension of the One Life.
There are no limits on what is possible for me today.
I am not a victim of my thinking or moods.
I can choose my own thoughts and vibration.
Today, I choose to think expansive thoughts.
The Law of Attraction brings to me the essence of
whatever I am thinking and vibrating as
I now relax into a day of joy, peace, prosperity & health.
All that I touch turns to miracles and Light as
my world fills with golden opportunities to thrive & grow.
Love is flowing from me and is blessing my world.
I am the only thinker in my mind & I choose high happy thoughts
that lead me through a day of effortlessly increasing good.

I AM Benediction 26

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Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Thou Mighty, Commanding, “I AM Presence”! assert Thy Dominion
within the heart and consciousness of each student! Command the Life Activity to
express Its fullness! Set Thyself as a Guard at the door of the mind of each one, so
he admits only that which is helpful and harmonious. Bless each one with that
power to hold fast and go forth to harmonious attainment. We thank Thee.

I AM Benediction 19

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Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Into the fullness of Thy Mighty Silence, O Great Presence, we come
to rest, to feel Thy Peace, to love Thy Harmony pervading all. O Mighty Love
Presence which beats the hearts of all mankind, strengthen Thyself within their
hearts; draw and hold their conscious attention upon Thee, the “Great Love Star” in
hearts; draw and hold their conscious attention upon Thee, the “Great Love Star” in
the heart of each one; glorify Thy Presence and Thy Creator in them; bless all
mankind with that strength to look only to Thee, and to stand steadfast facing

I AM Benediction 17

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Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Presence of Meru, Nada, and the Great Ascended Host, we give
praise and thanks for Thy Radiant Splendor, for Thy Wisdom, for Thy Substance
which Thou art generating to make visible. We give praise and thanks that Thy
Great Wisdom and Intelligence are ONE with the “Great I AM,” which “I AM,” ever
bringing more of Itself forward into conscious action. We give praise and
thanks that in the acknowledgment of the “I AM Presence,” we have the Key to all
things visible and invisible.