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Robert Millikan

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I have, a lavish, steady, dependable income, consistent with integrity and mutual benefit.

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U S Anderson The Key

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I turn away from the world about me to the world of consciousness that lies within. I shut out all memories of the past and create no images of the future. I concentrate on my being, on my awareness. I slide deep into the very recesses of my soul to a place of utter repose. Here I perceive fact in the making and I am conscious of the one being from which all beings spring. I know that this is immortal Self, this is GOD, this is me.

I AM, I always was, I always will be. All men, all things, all space and time and life are here in the depths of my soul. Smaller than small, greater than great meet and unite in me. That which I thought I was, ego, I never was at all, for it was a changing thing, mirroring the seasons and the tides, a thing to be born and grow and die. I am not a thing of time and circumstance. I am spirit, pure and eternal, birthless, deathless and changeless. I am patient, for I am all time: I am wise, for I contain the knowledge of all things.

I know not pain, for I see there is no beginning and no end and he who suffers pain must see beginning and end. I am rich for there is no limit to the abundance I may create from my very Self. I am successful, for I need only think to achieve. I am loved and am beloved, all things are my Self and I AM all things. I unite, I fuse, I become one with Universal Subconscious Mind. The mask of vanity and ego I shall never wear again. I perceive the magnificent dweller at the center of my consciousness and I know him to be my very Self. Time and space, shadow and substance, what matter these?


U S Anderson Health

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My body is a manifestation of my knowledge of myself and my true self is spirit, is consciousness only and is invisible. Other people see me not. They see but my body. It is only I who know myself and this knowledge returns to me in my health and in the things of my life. Therefore I affirm that my spirit is perfect, that I am one with the great self of the universe. The energy of this great self permeates my being, cleanses me of all impurities of the flesh, restores every function of body to perfect harmony.

There is perfect elimination, perfect assimilation. My entire being is spiritual and my body is quickened into new life with the perception of this great truth. I surrender myself to the wisdom and guidance of the Universal Subconscious Mind. I become one with the purpose of God and this mighty purpose animates my body, projects into every aspect of my life. There is no obstruction, no barrier, no limitation in my mind. I see only peace, power, vigor and plenty. I open my heart to love and love flows through every atom and pore of my body, energizing, molding and coordinating.

My healing my mind of limitation and lack and negative thinking, I automatically heal my body. At the center of my being, I perceive limitless, ageless and deathless spirit, perfect in beauty, perfect in function. This spirit becomes manifest in my body and in my affairs. When I am faced with apparent confusion, I surrender it, give over each of my problems and worries to that which has the perfect solution and in which there is absolute clarity.

I take my thoughts from the limitless reaches of Universal Subconscious Mind, never from the world around me. I do not think responsively, I think originally; I do not react, I act. I am never a victim of circumstances, for each thing of my life proceeds from out of my thoughts, which move always in accord with God.

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U S Anderson Love

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The truth about life is the infinite love of God for all
 things. Each man is my brother, bound to me by immortal 
and everlasting ties. I love all people; they dwell 
in my Father and my Father in them. I surrender my 
heart to humanity, and humanity serves me with love. I 
surrender my heart to God, and the love of God becomes 
complete in me. I am one with all the power and vigor and
 knowledge of the universe.

I let go of fear and confusion;
 They are illusions and cannot live with truth, which is
 love, which is complete and fulfilled in me now. The
 great reality of Universal Subconscious Mind is forever 
present at the center of my being. I draw from it perfect 
intelligence, perfect health, perfect peace, perfect happiness, 
perfect love. I surrender all the built up inhibitions 
that have been impressed upon me by the illusions of the

I refuse to accept anything but truth, which is 
always the good and the positive. I move in accord with
 Divine Intelligence. I accept the will and the love of God,
 which I express in laughter and joy and pleasure and 
service. Only the good, the great, the significant, and
 the constructive do I add unto myself. Nothing else is
 allowed into the creative depths of my being. The surging 
desire of each man is to know the fulfillment of love.

way to this fulfillment is through contact with the center
 of consciousness, through communion with the silent 
dweller within. I surrender my doubts and confusions 
and fears. Universal love is complete in me.

I am united
 with God, move with God. I am serene and sure, joyful
 and achieving, confident of ultimate splendor.

U S Anderson Attraction

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I do not confuse what I seem to be with what I really
 Am. I am never what I seem to be, and always what I 
really Am—host to the indwelling God. I quiet the 
movements of my body, slow my breathing, and glide deep 
into the recesses of my being, to the very center of my 
consciousness. Here in this place of infinite calm I 
become one with the immortal Self of the world, and I 
observe. My thoughts cross my consciousness in a 
never-ending stream.

I do not create these thoughts. They come
 from the infinite reaches of the Universal Subconscious
 Mind and are directed to my consciousness, for I have 
attracted them. I may choose any thoughts I desire. I have 
but to decide, and the ideas and images I have chosen are 
directed to me. As I accept them so will they manifest in
 my world. I alone decide what I will think; thus I decide 
my entire life.

I bar the door of my mind to negative
 thoughts or thoughts of evil. The door is always open to
 admit the positive, the good, the beautiful and the aspiring. 
I have complete confidence in the wisdom and the 
power of the Universal Subconscious Mind. I do not predict 
the manner in which each of my thoughts will
 manifest; I have complete faith that God moves in the 
most perfect manner.

There is no such thing as lack unless 
it is accepted; the universe has infinite supply. Vigor
 and health, abundance and success are mine, for I choose 
only such thoughts. Love abounds in a universe where I 
am one with the immortal Self, the Universal Subconscious 
Mind, God. My every decision is answered from a 
perfect and inexhaustible source of power.

U S Anderson Faith

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Here in solitude, in this time of peace, of meditation,
 I withdraw deep into the silent recesses of my being to
 a place of utter calm. Slowly the world retreats from 
around me, until finally I am alone. Walled away from
 all clamor and strife there is nothing but me. I am not 
body; I am not thought; I am not experience; I am not
 the past nor the present nor the future. I simply am.
 Across my consciousness comes a constant procession of 
thoughts and I observe them. I do not make up these 

I know they come from the Universal 
Subconscious Mind, and I watch as they are presented to 
me. I slow the train of thoughts. I examine each of them, 
then let go, neither accepting nor rejecting. On and on the 
thoughts come, and I ask myself, “Who is it that observes
 this?” And I hear the answer, “Thou that art, always 
have been, and always will be—thou observes!,” and I
 understand. Divorced from body, thought, and 
experience, I still exist as I always must. Here then is my 
true self, a thing independent of all but spirit, a 
contemplative “I,” which only observes and chooses from the 
thoughts that cross consciousness.

Whatever I choose is 
mine. Whatever I reject shall never touch me. I need
 only observe and accept, and all things will be added
 unto me by a power which leaps to acknowledge my faith
 and my decision. I sense such warmth and security as
 might overflow the world. I sense a fusion of my being
 with the great Universal Subconscious Mind, the mind 
of God. I sense the presence of the Father who knows 
no wrath, who does all things at his child’s bidding.

 sense my union with this Father by immutable and 
irrevocable bonds. I am one with all truth, 
all beauty, all justice, all love.

U S Anderson Form

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I know that all of life exists within me. Here in my 
heart and mind, in the recesses of my being, there is 
utter calm, a place of unruffled and placid waters, where 
the truth is apparent and the clamor of the world does
 not exist. I see about me the thoughts of all mankind, for
 these thoughts have become things. Whatever is good
 among these thought-things I accept; whatever is evil I 
ignore; for my concern is only with truth and understanding, 
which is forever the lovely and the good and
 the expanding.

My mind moves easily to the further most 
reaches of space, in all directions, and just as easily 
moves back to me once again. I am the center of the 
universe. God, the Universal Subconscious Mind, has made
 himself manifest through me. I know that my purpose in
 life is to reach ever upward and outward, to expand in 
knowledge and love and unity. I place my future in 
divine hands.

I turn over each problem of my life to that
 great all-knowing mind to which all things are possible. 
I do not tell God how to bring these things about. I have 
complete confidence that every circumstance that comes 
my way is part of a perfect plan to convert the image of
 my faith into physical reality. Even now the universe
 seeks to answer my every need. As I believe in my heart,
 so shall it be done unto me; this is the law of life and of 

There is greatness in my friend and in my enemy,
 for we are all brothers seeking the same high mountain 
along many paths. God, who made all creatures, made no 
poor creature, for He made only of himself. I am prosperous 
for God owns everything. I am vigorous for God 
is all vigor. I need only open my mind and my heart,
 keep my thoughts in the path of truth, and I am filled to 
overflowing with the power and abundance 
and love of the universe.

This site is for those that are looking for help with their meditation and affirmation work. We have accumulated an incredible resource of affirmations and meditations from some of the greatest metaphysical authors of our time and the past.

We then recorded the affirmations and added the text for those of you that are more visual.


Simple. Scan the menu bar at the right, find a topic that sounds interesting to you, click the topic and you will be taken to that page. There are three ways you can utilize this site and the meditations and affirmations.

#1 If you are visual, simply read and recite the affirmations out loud.

#2 If you enjoy being read too, play the audios. We have setup 3 different audios for each file. A single play file, a 10 looped file ( plays 10 times in a row ) and for those hard core a 25 loop file.

#3 Personally I like this option the best. Choose which file you want to play, and then you read along with the audio. Remember the old saying “When Two or More are Gathered in My Name” just think of me as your affirmation buddy.


Please do….if you have a personal affirmation or I AM Meditations that you would like to share, click the contact / submit button in the TOP menu bar and send me a TEXT version of your affirmation, and if I like it I will record it and add it to the site. Hopefully the site will grow leaps and bounds by user participation.



NOTHING Happens without FEELING.

“The feeling element is the female element”

The mental action alone is really “knowing,” or conscious consciousness; and may be said to be the first • step the mentality takes to experience anything. This “knowing,” unaccompanied by feeling, does not produce a visible effect. This “knowing” is the male element of Mind, the per­ceptive element. When this perceptive element is used alone, it produces• no visible effect or experience. It is on a par with the mentality that mentally draws plans of a house or invention, but never gets beyond the plan-drawing stage. Some­ thing more than mere plan-drawing is needed, before an individual mentality will actually set to work to externalize the house or invention. This something more is feeling.If there is no feeling • accompanying the house-planning, the mentality will not exert itself actually to produce the house or invention. It is no different in cases of success or failure, health or sickness, happiness or sorrow.

One could spend a century in planning or thinking health, and still not experience it; simply because, thinking or knowing without feeling, can­ not produce the experience called health; for health is a state of both knowing and feeling. The feeling element is the female element, or the mother element, which fulfills or brings to fruition or conscious experience, that which the knowing element thinks or perceives.

Knowing is really perception ; and mental per­ception might be said to be the first step towards conceiving. Conceiving, the second step, may be likened to reasoning, wherein the mental element is actively engaged in formulating or organizing its perception or knowing into a stabilized state, or a feeling of certainty ; and in this way feeling is engendered. Every set conclusion that the mentality arrives at has both the elements of knowing and feeling in combination. When the mentality really arrives at any set conclusion, that conclusion is always accompanied by the sense of certainty, which is really a feeling of certainty. All can prove this to themselves by giving a little thought to their past experiences.

This very perception or knowing, this apprehending or reasoning, and this comprehending or mental conclusion is the triune element, called mind. It is a trinity in unity, that produces only in unity. Not one of this trinity, alone, will produce form or experience; because it is only a single element, and it takes the three to produce objective form. This trinity in unity is the triune element; which was first called the Almighty by Abraham, because he recognized its all-power; and later, by others, called God, having been named this to correspond with its quality, which is all­ good.

The mistaken sense, that the primal element is a personal God or an enlarged Being, came about through misunderstanding; and through the indi­vidual erringly believing himself to be the servant of some unknown power.This, in turn, brought about the error of praying to, and pleading with, the supposititious, personal God for favors; instead of following the teachings of the few, who knew the facts and admonished all.to get understanding.

“Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom :” so wrote Solomon

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