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U S Anderson Health

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My body is a manifestation of my knowledge of myself and my true self is spirit, is consciousness only and is invisible. Other people see me not. They see but my body. It is only I who know myself and this knowledge returns to me in my health and in the things of my life. Therefore I affirm that my spirit is perfect, that I am one with the great self of the universe. The energy of this great self permeates my being, cleanses me of all impurities of the flesh, restores every function of body to perfect harmony.

There is perfect elimination, perfect assimilation. My entire being is spiritual and my body is quickened into new life with the perception of this great truth. I surrender myself to the wisdom and guidance of the Universal Subconscious Mind. I become one with the purpose of God and this mighty purpose animates my body, projects into every aspect of my life. There is no obstruction, no barrier, no limitation in my mind. I see only peace, power, vigor and plenty. I open my heart to love and love flows through every atom and pore of my body, energizing, molding and coordinating.

My healing my mind of limitation and lack and negative thinking, I automatically heal my body. At the center of my being, I perceive limitless, ageless and deathless spirit, perfect in beauty, perfect in function. This spirit becomes manifest in my body and in my affairs. When I am faced with apparent confusion, I surrender it, give over each of my problems and worries to that which has the perfect solution and in which there is absolute clarity.

I take my thoughts from the limitless reaches of Universal Subconscious Mind, never from the world around me. I do not think responsively, I think originally; I do not react, I act. I am never a victim of circumstances, for each thing of my life proceeds from out of my thoughts, which move always in accord with God.

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U S Anderson Mind

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I know and recognize my oneness with all things. I
 know that all form and all circumstance are the 
creation of an infinite intelligence that is in and around me.
 I know that all things are the result of conception and 
desire, that my world is ordered according to my own 
thoughts and convictions. Therefore I concentrate on 
harmony. I see nothing but order and constructiveness 
all about me.

I do not accept thoughts of destructiveness 
and disharmony. In my friends, my loved ones, my fellow 
workers, I see nothing but cooperation and assistance. I 
know that we all seek: the same answers and the same
 goals. I know that each person must follow a different
 path toward his vision, and I understand the searching 
and the copings of everyone I know and see. I have 
sympathy and tolerance for all things and all people.

know that in as much as I help others I help myself. In my 
brother’s eye there is my own soul. In my friend’s smile 
there is my own humor. In my neighbor’s sorrow there is
 my own loss. I have compassion and understanding for 
all things, for this life in which I have my being strives 
for understanding of itself. I deny error; it is simply
 progress toward truth. I know that it is impossible to fail 
when faith is present.

I do not order things to be made 
in my time or in my place, but trust the Universal Mind 
in its own great knowledge of the time and the place and
 the need and the way. Each moment of each day brings 
my life closer to realization. The objects of my work are 
being accomplished this very minute. Success and 
harmony, peace and confidence are mine.

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U S Anderson Illusion

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I know that I am one with the Universal Mind. I know 
this mind is perfect and I may rely upon it for complete 
guidance in all of my daily affairs. This Universal Mind, 
this great Subconscious Mind, this mind of God knows no 
evil or limitation or lack. It simply creates in my 
experience that which I believe and accept. Therefore I 
deny all evil and all error. When my eyes and my senses 
are deluded with the apparent circumstance of evil, I turn
 away, lifting my thoughts to the perfection and abundance 
and love of all the universe.

I know that God does 
not create evil; and I know that by using the power of God I am able to deny evil, which is only illusion, simply 
error, and will not stand before truth. For the great 
reality is good, which is always attempting to manifest 
itself. I know that error or evil is the result of my own
 thought, is the result of error on my part, is the result of 
isolating myself from the power of the Universal Mind.

I know that the Universal Mind is constantly creating in
 my experience that which I think, and if evil is manifested, 
it has come from my own thought; and my own thought 
may as quickly deny it. I do not will anything 
to happen, for I am not bigger than God. I simply 
understand that the law of creation is bigger than I am 
and that I cannot help my thoughts and beliefs from 
becoming real in my experience.

Therefore I hold my thoughts 
steadfastly on the good. I do not do this with effort, 
as if I were commanding something to act. I simply relax 
in contemplation of the good, secure in the knowledge that
 everything rests with a power much greater than I Am. 
I trust this power. I have complete faith and confidence
 in this power. I rely upon this power for guidance in all 
my daily affairs. I refuse to accept evil, and evil is gone. 
I accept good, and the supply and love 
of the universe are mine.