Tag Archives: u s anderson mind

U S Anderson Faith

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Looped 25

Here in solitude, in this time of peace, of meditation,
 I withdraw deep into the silent recesses of my being to
 a place of utter calm. Slowly the world retreats from 
around me, until finally I am alone. Walled away from
 all clamor and strife there is nothing but me. I am not 
body; I am not thought; I am not experience; I am not
 the past nor the present nor the future. I simply am.
 Across my consciousness comes a constant procession of 
thoughts and I observe them. I do not make up these 

I know they come from the Universal 
Subconscious Mind, and I watch as they are presented to 
me. I slow the train of thoughts. I examine each of them, 
then let go, neither accepting nor rejecting. On and on the 
thoughts come, and I ask myself, “Who is it that observes
 this?” And I hear the answer, “Thou that art, always 
have been, and always will be—thou observes!,” and I
 understand. Divorced from body, thought, and 
experience, I still exist as I always must. Here then is my 
true self, a thing independent of all but spirit, a 
contemplative “I,” which only observes and chooses from the 
thoughts that cross consciousness.

Whatever I choose is 
mine. Whatever I reject shall never touch me. I need
 only observe and accept, and all things will be added
 unto me by a power which leaps to acknowledge my faith
 and my decision. I sense such warmth and security as
 might overflow the world. I sense a fusion of my being
 with the great Universal Subconscious Mind, the mind 
of God. I sense the presence of the Father who knows 
no wrath, who does all things at his child’s bidding.

 sense my union with this Father by immutable and 
irrevocable bonds. I am one with all truth, 
all beauty, all justice, all love.

U S Anderson Intuition

BUY MP3 Audios for Download, ALL 3 Version Included, $5, CLICK LINK

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I listen to the voice of the universe as it speaks within
 me. It is the voice of truth and it guides me unerringly 
along the paths of my life. Somewhere deep within me, 
in the perfect bud of my soul, there stands an immobile 
universe where all things and all law lie revealed. I reach
 within to this place of peace and quietness. I listen to 
the voice of my heart. I close my eyes and sense a living,
 breathing universe dwelling within me, and I dwelling
 in it. I am one with all people and all life and all things. 
I move in accordance with divine law.

All the limitless 
power of creation is mine to draw upon, for it is in me
 and one with me and I am a part of it. The answer comes
 with the question; the path is lighted with the first step;
 the way is cleared with the looking; the goal is in sight
 with the desire. I know that I am fulfilling the fondest
 wish of God, for I place myself in His hands, taking each
 step of my life boldly and strongly, for it is God who 
prompts me, and God moves with sureness. I see 
tomorrow for I know today, and this day is father of 

The things of my life are the children of my 
thoughts, and my thoughts of today are even now bearing 
the children of tomorrow. All that is good I desire; all 
that is evil I refuse to accept. By attaining, I do not 
deprive. All that is and ever will be is available to every
 man; he need only ask and it shall be given. I bind 
myself to the power for good that surges heavenward all 
around me. The limits and inhibitions of my past are 
gone. Each day is a new birth of my soul. Each day is an-
other step on my journey to a oneness with God.

I do not 
seek, I know. I do not strive, I am guided.

Incoming search terms:

  • https://iammeditations org/u-s-anderson-intuition

U S Anderson Mind

BUY MP3 Audios for Download, ALL 3 Version Included, $5, CLICK LINK

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I know and recognize my oneness with all things. I
 know that all form and all circumstance are the 
creation of an infinite intelligence that is in and around me.
 I know that all things are the result of conception and 
desire, that my world is ordered according to my own 
thoughts and convictions. Therefore I concentrate on 
harmony. I see nothing but order and constructiveness 
all about me.

I do not accept thoughts of destructiveness 
and disharmony. In my friends, my loved ones, my fellow 
workers, I see nothing but cooperation and assistance. I 
know that we all seek: the same answers and the same
 goals. I know that each person must follow a different
 path toward his vision, and I understand the searching 
and the copings of everyone I know and see. I have 
sympathy and tolerance for all things and all people.

know that in as much as I help others I help myself. In my 
brother’s eye there is my own soul. In my friend’s smile 
there is my own humor. In my neighbor’s sorrow there is
 my own loss. I have compassion and understanding for 
all things, for this life in which I have my being strives 
for understanding of itself. I deny error; it is simply
 progress toward truth. I know that it is impossible to fail 
when faith is present.

I do not order things to be made 
in my time or in my place, but trust the Universal Mind 
in its own great knowledge of the time and the place and
 the need and the way. Each moment of each day brings 
my life closer to realization. The objects of my work are 
being accomplished this very minute. Success and 
harmony, peace and confidence are mine.

Incoming search terms:

  • I am meditation US andersen
  • https://iammeditations org/u-s-anderson-mind