Tag Archives: I AM Benediction

Daily Affirmation 46

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I am in the right place at the right time today.
And I always have what I need.
Life loves me and things go well for me.
I am treated with favor everywhere I go
and I live by Grace rather than by struggle.

I need not chase after anything or anyone for
I am a magnet for the best that Life has to offer.
I am sailing along across an ocean of love and possibilities.
I am a grateful Child of God today & all is well with me.

Daily Affirmation 45

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

Right here, right now, no matter what happens in my world,
all things are held perfectly in the hands of God.
From the smallest to the greatest,
everything is illuminated with the Presence.

I will not study or obsess about problems and wounds today
but will instead remember that there is no opposite to God.
There are not two powers in the Universe, but only One,
and in this One, I live and move and have my being.
There is nothing to fear.

Daily Affirmation 44

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

It’s a new week of new Life and new possibilities for good.
I am ready to happily swim, float and play in the ocean of miracles.
There is nothing limiting me but my own thought and now
all old limiting beliefs are washed away in the shimmering blue waves.

I am not afraid to be happy today.
I am not afraid of love.
I’m here to experience all the good that Life has
to offer me today as I OPEN TO RECEIVE It’s gifts.
I am swimming with life today and Life is very very good.

Daily Affirmation 43

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

Love and Joy are the guiding forces of my life.
I need do nothing to force anything happen for the
Divine Plan of my life operates through attraction, not promotion.
I follow the Call to Joy instead of the drive of ambition.

My vibration is clear, strong and alive with prospering power.
I listen to the Guidance of the still small Voice and
I know that God is on the Field.
Today I am walking through the open doors as
I recognize that right where I am, God is, and all is well

Daily Affirmation 42

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

In my world, magic and miracles are daily happenings.
I find beauty in the most mundane and simple things
because I see with spiritual vision, not merely by physical sight.
All around me, the fairies of the Universe conspire to Light
my path and lead me to the open doors to my greatest joy.

I expect Life to go well today for my world is formed by my thoughts.
My world is a place of rainbows, unicorns and butterscotch fields
even while on the concrete roads and behind corporate doors.
The magic is in me, not in the world because that is where God placed it.
I am happy in my present and looking forward to all the wonders
that lay before me today as I walk through the magical open doors.
I am calm, alert and ready to ACCEPT the gifts of God today.

Daily Affirmation 41

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

With joyful anticipation I greet this new day
of miracles, light and glorious good.
Spirit uses my hands, my feet and my voice this day
and I am blessed in the process of being used to heal.
We are all healed together as I release everyone
into the loving care of God’s ministering Angels.

I am playing in the Light today and
I expect and am prepared for divine love
and for happy opportunities to surprise & delight me.
I am gathering up the evidence that I am connected to Source.
Life loves me and love pursues me as
I float down the Stream of Golden Light to
my greatest good and joy so far.

Daily Affirmation 40

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

Just as light dissolves darkness at the speed of light,
an old energy pattern can be quickly reversed
as miracles dissolve all limits and problems.

I need no breakthroughs today for I simply
turn up my Light and all fear dissolves.
Therefore, I allow my JOY to rise as I align
myself with the Power & Presence of Divine Grace.
My life unfolds in perfect ease, peace and happiness today
as I focus on all the beauty and blessings of my world.

There is no need to fix or save anyone else.
The Divine Presence within me activates that
same Divine Presence in all those who choose it.
Life is good in this bountiful magical Universe of ours.

Daily Affirmation 39

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I can always soothe my way to a better feeling place.
It’s not my job to force anything for I can work with whatever
Energies are present at the moment to make gentle progress.
One thought at a time I am able to change my vibration
to a more spacious life giving one as I shift my attitude.

I stay in my own yard and keep my eyes on my own paper
as I focus on all the positive aspects of whatever or whoever crosses my mind.
I am making good choices today that lead to my greater peace and Joy.
I am noticing all the good that fills and surrounds my world today.
Whatever needs to get done today will be done by Divine Grace within me
as I take my gentle journey up the emotional scale.

I am allowing my good to find me today.
I have called off the search and am instead lining up with
my dreams, visions and intentions for a life of joyous abundance.
As I focus on following my JOY, the blessings that are mine come running
to me like happy puppies rolling in ecstasy at my feet.

I open myself to all the joyous good that the Universe has for me today
and my Joy increases the Joy of all the children of God who
are open to receive it – We are healed together in Divine Grace.
I am so happy to see what delightful surprises await me as
I walk in Love and peace and Joy.

Daily Affirmation 38

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I trust the path I am on and I trust the process of Life.
If I find I am going in the wrong direction,
I can always turn around and get back on the highlighted route.
The how and when of things is none of my business.

I release all attachments to specific outcomes and
if one dreams dies, I simply dream a new dream.
I keep track of my Joy instead tracking losses and gains.
When the tide goes out, no one calls this a loss or a failure,
therefore I will not judge my own life by appearances either.
My only success is in terms of how much peace and Joy I am allowing.
I now relax and allow myself to enjoy the journey as I savor today’s gifts.

Daily Affirmation 37

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

In my world, there is magic even in the mundane.
I am not looking for special people or special moments.
This moment is enough and I am sufficient for the moment.
By Grace, I see my world with loving gentle eyes and
I allow myself to be just as I am, and just as I am not.

Therefore, I release all others to be just as they are.
I will not push or bully myself today but instead
I walk with the Mighty Ones Who guide me
down the gentle paths of freedom, love and peace.