Tag Archives: abundance meditations

Daily Affirmation 3

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

The Universe is friendly and loving.
My world is happy and Life is good.
As I align myself with Spirit,
miracles light the path before me
and I walk one Graceful step at a time.
I forgive the past and release all grievances as
I focus my attention on all the gifts of today.
I am filled with the Light of the Great Rays
which illumine my world and draw to me all
that is for the highest good of all concerned.

Daily Affirmation

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmations

I am a creative being, an extension of the One Life.
There are no limits on what is possible for me today.
I am not a victim of my thinking or moods.
I can choose my own thoughts and vibration.
Today, I choose to think expansive thoughts.
The Law of Attraction brings to me the essence of
whatever I am thinking and vibrating as
I now relax into a day of joy, peace, prosperity & health.
All that I touch turns to miracles and Light as
my world fills with golden opportunities to thrive & grow.
Love is flowing from me and is blessing my world.
I am the only thinker in my mind & I choose high happy thoughts
that lead me through a day of effortlessly increasing good.

I AM Benediction 27

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

“Mighty I AM Presence”! Transcendent in this Christ Activity! We
give to Thee our eternal thanks and gratitude for Thy Love, Glory, Freedom, and our
conscious ability and power to accept the Fullness of Thy Glory made manifest in
the outer activity of our lives; that we stand with firm determination in Thy Light,
directed by Thy Wisdom and forever sustained by Thy Transcendent Love,
anchored within our hearts.

I AM Benediction 26

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Thou Mighty, Commanding, “I AM Presence”! assert Thy Dominion
within the heart and consciousness of each student! Command the Life Activity to
express Its fullness! Set Thyself as a Guard at the door of the mind of each one, so
he admits only that which is helpful and harmonious. Bless each one with that
power to hold fast and go forth to harmonious attainment. We thank Thee.

I AM Benediction 25

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

From out the Heart of Thy Great Silence, O “Mighty I AM
Presence,” comes the Solution of all things, the Perfection of all things; for Thou
art the Only Governing Power, Perfection, and Intelligence in all outer experience;
for Thou art the Presence governing all human expression. Only as we see Thy
Perfect Manifestation in all things do we cause Perfection to manifest in all things

I AM Benediction 24

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Thou Mighty, Infinite “I AM Presence”! We rejoice in Thy Ceaseless
Outpouring, Thy Enfolding Presence, protecting and governing the Life of these
beloved students. Help them to enter into the Fullness of Thy Presence with no
uncertainty, that they may bless mankind wherever they may be or go. Intensify
Thy wondrous Light within the outer activity, that each one may become a great
channel to heal, to bless, to prosper, and to enlighten.

I AM Benediction 23

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Thou Mighty, Infinite Presence! Thou Wondrous Brother of Light,
Wisdom, Love and Power! We give thanks for Thy Radiant Presence, glorifying all
who look to Thee, and in that Glorious Presence, we send to all mankind Thy
Enfolding Light, lifting them into Thy Presence always

I AM Benediction 22

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Out of the fullness of our Hearts, O Mighty Presence, we give
praise and thanks for Thy Love, Wisdom and Power. We give praise and thanks for
the Mighty Rays that have gone out to each student today. We give thanks for the
intensity of this focus that quickens the assurance within the students of the Truth
of their “Mighty Presence of the I AM,” which is the True Self. Strengthen them,
each one, with that firm determination to hold to that One Presence which is all
Freedom, all Perfection, Eternal Youth and Beauty.

I AM Benediction 21

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Out of the fullness of Thy Mighty Opulence, O “Mighty I AM,” we
feel Thy Flowing Energy. We feel Thy Enfolding Love. We feel Thy Qualifying
Presence, hastening all who turn to Thee into Thy Perfection. We feel Thy Glorious
Presence enfolding them in Thy Mighty Mantle of Peace, enabling them to maintain
Perfect Self-control, sustaining them in Thy Mighty Perfection, that they may
manifest Thy Mighty Presence—now.

I AM Benediction 20

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Thou Mighty, All-Pervading, Infinite Presence, “I AM”! We give forth
our Gratitude to Thee that we have found Thee, that we acknowledge Thee, the All-
Powerful Creator, making Thyself fully visible in our every need, in our full
Illumination, in our full Mastery and Dominion over all outer things. We thank
Thee that Thou art the All-Pervading Presence, and that Thou dost, with Thy
Strength and Wisdom, impel Thy Perfection everywhere