Tag Archives: I AM Affirmations

Daily Affirmation 10

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Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I am open to experiencing the best of everything.
Nothing is too good for me – nothing too good to be true.
Life loves me and wants to express AS a thriving me.
This is a lavish abundant limitless Universe – there is more
than enough good to go around – so many opportunities for good,
so much money, so many single available people, good food, knowledge,
love, kindness, resources, ideas, homes, healings and healers,
talent, understanding, inspiration, support and good connections.
There is no limitation, no ceiling to what I can be, do or experience.
I am lining up with my greater good as I give thanks
for all that has already been given and received.
I am happy in my now and joyfully open to even more good.
Today I am focused on the opportunities to up my vibration.
I am tuned into the Guidance that leads me to the open doors!

Daily Affirmation 7

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I am Springing forward into love and appreciation
as I gently release old limiting thoughts & beliefs.
I am giving my full attention to all the good in my world.
I surrender into Divine Grace and walk in Love today.
All fear and worry are dissolved in this Love and Grace.
I have a wonderful mind which keeps track of my good
and keeps me happily on the highlighted route.
I have a wonderful heart full of love and appreciation.
I greet this day with all the joy and love in my heart
and Life greets me by reflecting that same joy & love.
I relax into my world of ever-increasing Light.

Daily Affirmation 4

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I am living by Grace and sourced by Love.
I have dissolved all concepts of struggle and suffering.
I invoke the energy of the Cosmos as
I call my good to me today.
The limitless abundance of the Universe is flowing now –
and I am an open available vessel, ready to be filled.
There is no need to worry or rush – perfect flow is mine.
Problems solve themselves & dissolve before they even appear.
Answers to my requests come with ease and perfect timing.
Healing Light surrounds me & flows through me.
The air is thick with miracles & joyful transformations.
My heart is open – my mind is clear and spacious.
Today I look through eyes of love at a world of effortless Grace.

Daily Affirmation

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmations

I am a creative being, an extension of the One Life.
There are no limits on what is possible for me today.
I am not a victim of my thinking or moods.
I can choose my own thoughts and vibration.
Today, I choose to think expansive thoughts.
The Law of Attraction brings to me the essence of
whatever I am thinking and vibrating as
I now relax into a day of joy, peace, prosperity & health.
All that I touch turns to miracles and Light as
my world fills with golden opportunities to thrive & grow.
Love is flowing from me and is blessing my world.
I am the only thinker in my mind & I choose high happy thoughts
that lead me through a day of effortlessly increasing good.

I AM Benediction 27

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

“Mighty I AM Presence”! Transcendent in this Christ Activity! We
give to Thee our eternal thanks and gratitude for Thy Love, Glory, Freedom, and our
conscious ability and power to accept the Fullness of Thy Glory made manifest in
the outer activity of our lives; that we stand with firm determination in Thy Light,
directed by Thy Wisdom and forever sustained by Thy Transcendent Love,
anchored within our hearts.

I AM Benediction 23

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Thou Mighty, Infinite Presence! Thou Wondrous Brother of Light,
Wisdom, Love and Power! We give thanks for Thy Radiant Presence, glorifying all
who look to Thee, and in that Glorious Presence, we send to all mankind Thy
Enfolding Light, lifting them into Thy Presence always

I AM Benediction 20

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Thou Mighty, All-Pervading, Infinite Presence, “I AM”! We give forth
our Gratitude to Thee that we have found Thee, that we acknowledge Thee, the All-
Powerful Creator, making Thyself fully visible in our every need, in our full
Illumination, in our full Mastery and Dominion over all outer things. We thank
Thee that Thou art the All-Pervading Presence, and that Thou dost, with Thy
Strength and Wisdom, impel Thy Perfection everywhere

I AM Benediction 16

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Thou Infinite, Mighty, Personal Presence, Jesus Christ! We give
praise and thanks for Thy Radiance, for Thy Intelligent Rays, for Thy Qualifying

We give praise and thanks that we are conscious of that Special Radiance at this
time; and that we may, through the loving open door of our consciousness, receive
of Its Mighty Presence

I AM Benediction 13

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Out of Thy Pure Essence, we receive now and forever Thy Strength,
Thy Wisdom, Thy Understanding Application of Thy Great and Marvelous Laws,
that we may produce and maintain Thy Perfection in each Life, mind, body, home
and world.

I AM Benediction 8

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Thou Great Happiness-the Mighty Presence and Power which “I
AM”11 qualify Thee to go forth in the hearts of mankind, anchoring there and filling
their minds, bodies and homes, filling them with Thy Great Happiness. Open the
door of their consciousness so that the Mighty Power which “I AM” can come forth
in Full Perfection. O Mighty Presence! Hold the Children of Light, the
Individualities of God, hold them close in Thy Embrace, letting Thy Quality flow
forth in their command, filling them with Thy Great Peace. O Mighty Presence of
Justice! Enter in and reign in all official places. Let the destructive intent of
mankind be revealed, that it may be cast out and be consumed. Let the Fullness
and Power of Thy Radiant Light enfold all, and Thy Glorious Transcendent Light fill
all places.