Tag Archives: I AM Affirmations

Daily Affirmation 45

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Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

Right here, right now, no matter what happens in my world,
all things are held perfectly in the hands of God.
From the smallest to the greatest,
everything is illuminated with the Presence.

I will not study or obsess about problems and wounds today
but will instead remember that there is no opposite to God.
There are not two powers in the Universe, but only One,
and in this One, I live and move and have my being.
There is nothing to fear.

Daily Affirmation 40

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

Just as light dissolves darkness at the speed of light,
an old energy pattern can be quickly reversed
as miracles dissolve all limits and problems.

I need no breakthroughs today for I simply
turn up my Light and all fear dissolves.
Therefore, I allow my JOY to rise as I align
myself with the Power & Presence of Divine Grace.
My life unfolds in perfect ease, peace and happiness today
as I focus on all the beauty and blessings of my world.

There is no need to fix or save anyone else.
The Divine Presence within me activates that
same Divine Presence in all those who choose it.
Life is good in this bountiful magical Universe of ours.

Daily Affirmation 38

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I trust the path I am on and I trust the process of Life.
If I find I am going in the wrong direction,
I can always turn around and get back on the highlighted route.
The how and when of things is none of my business.

I release all attachments to specific outcomes and
if one dreams dies, I simply dream a new dream.
I keep track of my Joy instead tracking losses and gains.
When the tide goes out, no one calls this a loss or a failure,
therefore I will not judge my own life by appearances either.
My only success is in terms of how much peace and Joy I am allowing.
I now relax and allow myself to enjoy the journey as I savor today’s gifts.

Daily Affirmation 33

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Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I breathe in deeply and I am relaxed and at peace.
Nothing wavers me from my truth today as
I stand firmly in the Love and Grace of God.
Nothing disturbs me today and it is impossible
for me to contain the Love that is flowing through me now.
Life rises up to greet me as I walk through the open doors
summoning my good to me through my JOYFUL vibration.

I do not struggle, push against, argue with or try to make anything happen.
Life is for me and none are against me as I walk in gentleness and love today..

Incoming search terms:

  • https://iammeditations org/daily-affirmation-33

Daily Affirmation 30

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

There is only ONE Power and Presence.
There is no opposition to this One Divine Source.
There is nothing to fight against nor fear.
There is no need to worry or rush about.
Spirit is the Doer and I am the channel.
I cannot predict nor control what is going to happen today.
But there is a Dynamic Something within that
responds to my thoughts, words and feelings.
I now align myself with the Infinite Presence within all.
All things in my world are accomplished in effortless joy & cooperation.

I awaken the Creativity and Genius within me now.
I TRUST the Source to line everything up without my manipulation.
I have no idea what should happen today for
I am on a need-to-know basis as a happy miracle worker.
I sense the Energies in each situation and I do not force nor resist.
I am not seeking or searching. I am invoking Higher Energies.

I RELAX into the flow of the Great Mother Tao and allow
all things to work together in harmony as I show up,
on time, prepared, doing what I said I would do,
with love, peace and Joy.

I am instructed by Source from within and expect
a day of joyous miracles and of Light.
There is nothing to fix – only an opportunity to heal.
For this I am so grateful as I now I release my day to God.
All is well, all is well, all is well.

Daily Affirmation 27

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

Love makes my world beautiful today.
As I look through the eyes of love today,
I see a world of beauty and of Light.
I will not focus on the errors in myself or others,
but instead will be a detective seeking clues
leading to the innocence, kindness and Grace in us all.

I am shredding all evidence to the contrary as
I dissolve all walls around my heart and take down all defenses.
Love is my strength today as I open my heart to receive the
Love of God & let it flow through me to the world around me.

Daily Affirmation 25

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

Today I forgive and I am forgiven.
I surrender to Spirit all shame, blame and guilt.
I am washed clean in the Living Waters as
I focus on the good in all creatures.
My mistakes do not define me.

I have a chance today to begin again.
I will not punish myself nor anyone else.
By the Grace of God, this is a day of renewal as
I release all attack thoughts & replace them with gentle love.
I am guided by Spirit to make good choices
and I turn to the Presence within to meet all my needs.
I am happy and free in the Peace of God today.

Daily Affirmation 22

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I need DO nothing for I live and walk in the Christ Consciousness today. There is no separation and no lack of any good in my world. I will not worry or fret – I will not let ego steal my joy. The creation of this day is not based on my doing, but on my Consciousness and Who I choose as my Guide for the day.
I choose Spirit within to lean on and walk with through my day. I am shown the good, the beautiful and the holy as I allow my mind to be healed of all attack thoughts.

As I relax into the Grace of God, all my good comes rushing to meet me, solutions unfold in ease, and problems are solved before they can take root.
I breathe in the Peace of God and this vibration of Peace emanates from me and touches all those who are open to receive it. There is nothing for me to struggle with or against, nothing to strive after nor yearn for. As I rest in God, I remember that truly, I need do nothing but follow my Joy, Peace and Love as it calls me together with the greater good of all concerned.

Daily Affirmation 16

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I AM waking up to myself more each day.
In this Holy Week I AM giving birth to my true Self
as I release all that no longer serves me and
open up to all the gifts of the Universe – my arms open wide.
The more good I allow in my life, the more
I have to share and to spare with my sisters and brothers.
I AM a Divine Center of loving abundance.
I boldly and gratefully embrace this new day knowing that
Life loves me and that everything I need is here and now.

Daily Affirmation 11

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

There is a Power and a Presence guiding my day.
This Presence only loves and knows nothing of limitation.
In It I live and move and have my Being.
I relax into the Everlasting Arms today and
allow my good to flow freely and abundantly.
I need do nothing but believe, trust and know this Truth
and follow the Guidance given on where to go, what to do or say.
There is no one to impress – nothing to compete for.
There is more than enough good for all to thrive in the Light.
I open to receive the gifts of God today as Life unfolds
a day of perfect order, beauty and all that is good.
I am blessed and I am a blessing. All is well.