Tag Archives: daily affirmations

Daily Affirmation 7

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I am Springing forward into love and appreciation
as I gently release old limiting thoughts & beliefs.
I am giving my full attention to all the good in my world.
I surrender into Divine Grace and walk in Love today.
All fear and worry are dissolved in this Love and Grace.
I have a wonderful mind which keeps track of my good
and keeps me happily on the highlighted route.
I have a wonderful heart full of love and appreciation.
I greet this day with all the joy and love in my heart
and Life greets me by reflecting that same joy & love.
I relax into my world of ever-increasing Light.

Daily Affirmation 6

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

Life responds quickly to my positive thoughts today.
I am love and I see love all around me as
I walk the path of Grace and gently unfolding good.
I release all fear and resistance and
I trust Life to guide and direct my day with joyful ease.
I cannot fail to be at the right place at the right time.
All that I do is blessed, multiplied and prospered today and
the Universe can arrange every detail with great ease.
I am happy, grateful and filled with radiant faith in Life!

Daily Affirmation 5

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I greet this day with Peace, Joy and Love Divine.
Before me miracles are lighting the way to the open doors
which lead to my greatest good so far.
I give my full attention to the good, the true and the Holy.
My mind is focused on appreciation, praise and gratitude
as I give myself over to the effortless joyful Grace of God.
I am enjoying my NOW and happy to see what is next!

Daily Affirmation 4

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I am living by Grace and sourced by Love.
I have dissolved all concepts of struggle and suffering.
I invoke the energy of the Cosmos as
I call my good to me today.
The limitless abundance of the Universe is flowing now –
and I am an open available vessel, ready to be filled.
There is no need to worry or rush – perfect flow is mine.
Problems solve themselves & dissolve before they even appear.
Answers to my requests come with ease and perfect timing.
Healing Light surrounds me & flows through me.
The air is thick with miracles & joyful transformations.
My heart is open – my mind is clear and spacious.
Today I look through eyes of love at a world of effortless Grace.

Daily Affirmation 3

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

The Universe is friendly and loving.
My world is happy and Life is good.
As I align myself with Spirit,
miracles light the path before me
and I walk one Graceful step at a time.
I forgive the past and release all grievances as
I focus my attention on all the gifts of today.
I am filled with the Light of the Great Rays
which illumine my world and draw to me all
that is for the highest good of all concerned.

Daily Affirmation 2

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

Today I am awakening to the Great Rays infusing me
with Wisdom, Guidance and Grace in all things.
This is a day of joyful ease as I open to receive rather
than to conquer, control or get. Instead, I allow and accept.
Invisible hands reach out to guide and direct me.
Opportunities present themselves in perfect timing & ways.
My thoughts turn in gentle happy directions.

Daily Affirmation

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmations

I am a creative being, an extension of the One Life.
There are no limits on what is possible for me today.
I am not a victim of my thinking or moods.
I can choose my own thoughts and vibration.
Today, I choose to think expansive thoughts.
The Law of Attraction brings to me the essence of
whatever I am thinking and vibrating as
I now relax into a day of joy, peace, prosperity & health.
All that I touch turns to miracles and Light as
my world fills with golden opportunities to thrive & grow.
Love is flowing from me and is blessing my world.
I am the only thinker in my mind & I choose high happy thoughts
that lead me through a day of effortlessly increasing good.