Tag Archives: audio affirmations

I AM Benediction 10

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Wondrous Presence of the God “I AM”! We give praise and thanks
for this feeling of the certainty of Thy Presence that is growing within the
consciousness of these students under this Radiation. We rejoice in the Great Light
of Thy Presence enfolding each one, which goes forth unto all humanity, changing
all discord into Love and Peace. We thank Thee

I AM Benediction 9

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

We give thanks, “O Mighty I AM Presence,” for having entered into
Thy Secret Place. Let Thy Wisdom govern at all times the dispensation of Thy Light.
Let Thy Wisdom guard and direct our minds and bodies at all times, that they
always act in perfect accord with Thee. As Thou art called forth into action—”O
always act in perfect accord with Thee. As Thou art called forth into action—”O
Mighty I AM Presence”—we know we are always charged at all times with Thy
Mighty Energy, and that It accomplishes all perfectly wherever it is sent.

I AM Benediction 7

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Thou Infinite, All-pervading Presence, whose Active Intelligence
governs all who look unto Thee, fill each one who seeks the Light with
Thy Mighty Inner Light. Hold each one closer and closer in the “Great I AM
Presence,” that It fills the world of everyone with Thy Great, Great Perfection; and
that the consciousness of each individual desires only that Great, Great Presence
and Perfection.

I AM Benediction 6

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Infinite God of Love! We give thanks for Thy Gracious Outpouring
today, for Thy Mighty Radiance filling all things everywhere. We give praise and
thanks that we have entered into Thy World where everything is so fair, where Thy
Radiance, creative with every thought, brings into Perfection all things held within
our thought.

I AM Benediction 5

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Thou Mighty, Infinite Intelligence! We give praise and thanks for
Thy Mighty Comprehension and Mighty Manifestation in the consciousness of
those present. We give praise and thanks that “I AM” the Perfect Understanding in
operation, and that “I AM” everywhere present, performing all required to be done.
“I AM” the Illumination of everyone who looks to me. “I AM” the Radiant
Intelligent Activity in the minds of all mankind. “I AM” the Master acting in the
brain of everyone of humanity, causing Divine Love, Justice, Peace, Harmony and
Perfection to manifest to our Beloved America.

I AM Benediction 4

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Mighty Creative Fire, we give praise and thanks for Thy Great
Omnipresence today, to heal, to bless, and to prosper everywhere. Enter into the
hearts of mankind with Thy Creative Presence and Genius, and let the Full Divine
Justice of Thy Supremacy reign throughout the land in all official places. See that
all authority is in the hands of Thy trained and trusted Messengers; that they may
govern fully all governmental offices in America, and be ever divinely sustained;
that America be healed, blessed, and forever prosper; that all sinister influence be
consumed and forever repelled from within the borders of America

I AM Benediction 3

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

O Mighty Ones of the Golden City! Glorified are we in Thy
Wondrous Radiance. Privileged are we in the use of Thy Great Rays. Blessed are we
in the conscious recognition of Thy Mighty Presence. Enfold us forever in Thy
Transcendent Light.

I AM Benediction 2

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Thou Mighty, Majestic, Conquering “I AM,” we give praise and
thanks for our comprehension of Thee as God Acting in us; and with Thy Mighty
Presence and Radiance, cause us to feel the Mighty Import of Thy Mighty Truth
and Wondrous Presence. When we contemplate Thee, let Thy Mighty Radiance fill
us with that comprehending Consciousness to know and apply Thy Assertions of
Truth more and more perfectly. We give praise and thanks for Thy Mighty
Perfection and Truth for all those who look unwaveringly to Thee.

I AM Benediction

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Mighty Perfected Ones! As we receive Thy Magic Circle of
Protection, as we receive and are enfolded in Thy Mighty Opulent Presence, O
Master Within! we accept fully that Opulence made manifest in our outer
experience and use. We give praise and thanks for Thy Wisdom in Its use. We give
praise and thanks that we have the full strength to accept only Thy Mighty Active
Presence at all times, and to refuse acceptance to anything unlike Thee.

I AM Invocation 25

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Invocation

Thou Mighty, Majestic Christ Power, now grown to Full Stature! We
salute Thee by the Sign of the Heart and Head, accepting the Fullness of Thy
Mighty Power made manifest in the hearts of the students and of the people of

We accept the Fullness of the Light and Its illuminating Presence within
the heart and mind of each one, surging forward with such intensity that It carries
the courage and strength for everyone to make the needed conscious effort which
will enable the “Mighty I AM Presence” to raise the atomic structure into its Full