Tag Archives: abundance meditations

Daily Affirmation 24

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Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I walk in gentle peace and gratitude today.
There is nothing for me to fight against,
nothing for me to strive after or to manipulate.
I align myself with the heartbeat of the Great Mother Tao
and allow myself to be carried downstream.

I place the past, present and future in Her hands
as I breathe in love and breathe out kindness.
Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life
as I release everyone into Divine Care and
entrust them to God’s ministering Angels.
Today, miracles light my way on the gentle pathways of peace.
May I be joyfully used by Love to brighten the world
as I surrender into Love, Joy, Peace and Grace.

Daily Affirmation 23

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I live in a Friendly Universe which responds to my vibration.
My thoughts, words, attitudes and actions are the seeds I sow.
I will harvest in abundance just what I plant, nothing more or less than that.
I choose today to sow seeds of joy, kindness, love and abundance.
I sow laughter, vitality, warmth, goodness and mercy.

There is nothing for me to get – I merely harvest my own crops.
I release all struggle, striving, manipulation and control.
I trust the Universe today to respond to my loving energy
as I walk in Grace and peace, sharing my Light with
those who are open to receive it.
All is well in me and in my world for this is
a day of Divine Harvest and Happy Sowing.

Daily Affirmation 22

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I need DO nothing for I live and walk in the Christ Consciousness today. There is no separation and no lack of any good in my world. I will not worry or fret – I will not let ego steal my joy. The creation of this day is not based on my doing, but on my Consciousness and Who I choose as my Guide for the day.
I choose Spirit within to lean on and walk with through my day. I am shown the good, the beautiful and the holy as I allow my mind to be healed of all attack thoughts.

As I relax into the Grace of God, all my good comes rushing to meet me, solutions unfold in ease, and problems are solved before they can take root.
I breathe in the Peace of God and this vibration of Peace emanates from me and touches all those who are open to receive it. There is nothing for me to struggle with or against, nothing to strive after nor yearn for. As I rest in God, I remember that truly, I need do nothing but follow my Joy, Peace and Love as it calls me together with the greater good of all concerned.

Daily Affirmation 20

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

If I am sad, if I am hurt, if I am lonely or in despair,
if I forget Who I am, or am filled with shame or regret,
if I am lost or overwhelmed and confused, if I lose my way,
if I feel sick, or wounded, or gripped by fear,
if I feel abandoned, weak, deprived or that I am not enough,
if I feel that I cannot go on, or do not know which way to turn –
I do not need to withdraw from the world to hide from life.
I can turn to my Refuge and Security by hanging on the Vine
as I drink in the golden elixer of the Divine Love that nourishes me
back to to wholeness and to remembrance of the Truth.
The Angels encircle me while I am being restored and renewed
even as I go about my normal day of people, places and things.
Grace enfolds me and I relax into the Everlasting Arms of
the Love that forgives, heals, soothes and feeds my soul.
I let go of time as I allow my heart to open to RECEIVE all
of the healing Qi that is flowing through me now.
There is no hurry, no way to rush the seasons of life.
Where I am is where I am, and I allow myself this time.
Mercy, kindness, gentleness and peace are the sun
that warm me now as I hang on the Vine
drinking in the One Power and Presence
which restoreth my soul.

Daily Affirmation 19

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

Life is to be savored and enjoyed!
I am lining up with my highest good
and adjusting my attitude as I tune to JOY.
I allow happy experiences to flow on my path
this week as I focus on laughing away all fear
thoughts while I walk with ease through the open doors.

Daily Affirmation 18

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I am blessed and I am a blessing.
My world is filled with the most wonderful people
and we are co-creating a life of joyful abudant good today.
All are held in Holy Light today as the doors of plenty open wide.
Divine Order is established in my affairs and
all unfolds in great peaceful ease as I relax and breathe.
I am well loved and well able to give abundant love
as my heart opens wide to all who want to joyfully play.
Divine Love now draws to me all that is needed for my
greatest happiness and complete satisfaction today.
Nothing good is denied me and I open to receive
all the good that is mine today.
I am a grateful part of the Divine All.

Daily Affirmation 17

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I rise up in JOY today as I allow the Light of the Season
to fill me up and flood out of me in waves of great abundance.
My hands, feet and voice are joyfully used to Help and Heal.
There is nothing the Light within me cannot accomplish
as I step back and allow the Christ Consciousness to lead the way.
My part is to do MY part and to release all that is beyond my control.
I put one foot in front of the other as I breathe in Peace and Grace
to light my journey through the world, blessing all as I go.
This is a day of Divine Fulfillment and of elegant miracles.

Daily Affirmation 16

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I AM waking up to myself more each day.
In this Holy Week I AM giving birth to my true Self
as I release all that no longer serves me and
open up to all the gifts of the Universe – my arms open wide.
The more good I allow in my life, the more
I have to share and to spare with my sisters and brothers.
I AM a Divine Center of loving abundance.
I boldly and gratefully embrace this new day knowing that
Life loves me and that everything I need is here and now.

Daily Affirmation 15

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

Here in my own yard, all is well.
I stay in my own business and clean up my own vibration
by choosing the thoughts that feel good when I think them.
There is a Power and a Presence which guides my actions
and leads my feet as I align myself with Higher Thoughts.
There is no need to struggle or strive to get somewhere.
I am following my joy and peace through the open doors.
I am anointed with Grace to accomplish all with ease as
I relax into the downstream thoughts, knowing that all is well.

Daily Affirmation 14

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

Today I leave my littleness behind as
I make the choices that bring the Greater Life
into my Consciousness and into my experience.
My thoughts today are Guided by the Council of Light
within my own Consciousness, where Truth abides.
All that I do today is infused with the Love and Grace
which blesses the giver and the receiver alike.
I open my arms to welcome the gifts of Life today
as I remember that God’s Will for me is perfect happiness.
I am never selling God on my good ideas or trying to win favor.
All favor is already mine as I step up my capacity to let it in.
Nothing hinders or delays my good – I am gratefully ready.
I release all mistakes, guilt and shame from the past as
I step into my Great and Glorious Present today.