Tag Archives: abundance affirmations

I AM Benediction 14

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

We give praise and thanks for Thy Infinite Outpouring, “Great I AM
Presence.” We give praise and thanks that at last, we know who Thou art, and that
within Thee are all possibilities. We give praise and thanks that Thy Mighty
Presence is always the Governing Intelligence, the Love enfolding, the Light
Presence is always the Governing Intelligence, the Love enfolding, the Light
illumining everything on the way.

I AM Benediction 13

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Out of Thy Pure Essence, we receive now and forever Thy Strength,
Thy Wisdom, Thy Understanding Application of Thy Great and Marvelous Laws,
that we may produce and maintain Thy Perfection in each Life, mind, body, home
and world.

I AM Benediction 12

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Thou Mighty, Infinite Presence of God! We give praise and thanks
for Thy ceaseless Ministry. We call Thy Blessings, Thy Wisdom, Thy Intelligence to
act through each one, giving peace of mind, peace of body, and joy of heart, to go
forth the Ruling, Conquering, Victorious Presence over all things. We give praise
and thanks that the “Mighty Presence I AM,” God in Action, governs all official
places, causing Thy Perfection to be ever-operative and Self-sustained in Thy Name
and through Thy Presence.

I AM Benediction 11

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Thou Mighty Presence whom We in great joy have welcomed, We
thank Thee for Thy Great Wondrous Radiance and Light, Thy Great Radiance and
Conquering Power; and We trust that Thou mayest decree Justice now and for all
time to mankind.

I AM Benediction 10

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Wondrous Presence of the God “I AM”! We give praise and thanks
for this feeling of the certainty of Thy Presence that is growing within the
consciousness of these students under this Radiation. We rejoice in the Great Light
of Thy Presence enfolding each one, which goes forth unto all humanity, changing
all discord into Love and Peace. We thank Thee

I AM Benediction 9

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

We give thanks, “O Mighty I AM Presence,” for having entered into
Thy Secret Place. Let Thy Wisdom govern at all times the dispensation of Thy Light.
Let Thy Wisdom guard and direct our minds and bodies at all times, that they
always act in perfect accord with Thee. As Thou art called forth into action—”O
always act in perfect accord with Thee. As Thou art called forth into action—”O
Mighty I AM Presence”—we know we are always charged at all times with Thy
Mighty Energy, and that It accomplishes all perfectly wherever it is sent.