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Murphy Business Success

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Joseph Murphy: Meditation For Business or Professional Success

I now dwell on the omnipresence and on the Omni action of God. I know that this infinite wisdom guides the planets on their courses. I know this same divine intelligence governs and directs all my affairs. I claim and believe divine understanding is mine at all times. I know that all my activities are controlled by this indwelling presence.

All my motives are Godlike and true. God’s wisdom, truth and beauty are being expressed by me at all times. The all-knowing one with in me knows what to do, and how to do it. My business or profession is completely controlled, governed and directed by the love of God. Divine guidance is mine.

I know God’s answer, for my mind is at peace. I rest in the everlasting arms.

Murphy The Rich Life

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Joseph Murphy: Meditation For the Rich Life

Consider the lilies of the field; they toil not, neither do they spin; yet Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed as one of these. I know that God is prospering me in all ways. I am now leading the abundant life, because I believe in a God of abundance. I am supplied with everything that contributes to my beauty, well-being, progress and peace.

I am daily experiencing the fruits of the spirit of God within me; I accept my good news now; I walk in the light that all good is mine. I am peaceful, poised, serene and calm. I am one with the source of life; all my needs are met at every moment of time and every point in space.

I now bring all the empty vessels to the father within. The fullness of God is made manifest in all the departments of my life. All that the father hath is mine. I rejoice that this is so.

Murphy The Abundant Life

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Joseph Murphy: Meditation for Realizing the Abundant Life

I know that to prosper means to grow spiritually along all lines. God is prospering me now in mind, body and affairs. God’s ideas constantly unfold within me bringing to me health, wealth and perfect divine expression.

I thrill inwardly as I feel the life of God vitalizing every atom of my being. I know that God’s life is animating, sustaining and strengthening me now. I am now expressing a perfect, radiant body full of vitality, energy and power.

My business or profession is a divine activity, and since it is God’s business, it is successful and prosperous. I imagine and feel an inner wholeness functioning through my body, mind and affairs. I give thanks and rejoice in the abundant life.

Robert Millikan

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I have, a lavish, steady, dependable income, consistent with integrity and mutual benefit.

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U S Anderson The Key

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I turn away from the world about me to the world of consciousness that lies within. I shut out all memories of the past and create no images of the future. I concentrate on my being, on my awareness. I slide deep into the very recesses of my soul to a place of utter repose. Here I perceive fact in the making and I am conscious of the one being from which all beings spring. I know that this is immortal Self, this is GOD, this is me.

I AM, I always was, I always will be. All men, all things, all space and time and life are here in the depths of my soul. Smaller than small, greater than great meet and unite in me. That which I thought I was, ego, I never was at all, for it was a changing thing, mirroring the seasons and the tides, a thing to be born and grow and die. I am not a thing of time and circumstance. I am spirit, pure and eternal, birthless, deathless and changeless. I am patient, for I am all time: I am wise, for I contain the knowledge of all things.

I know not pain, for I see there is no beginning and no end and he who suffers pain must see beginning and end. I am rich for there is no limit to the abundance I may create from my very Self. I am successful, for I need only think to achieve. I am loved and am beloved, all things are my Self and I AM all things. I unite, I fuse, I become one with Universal Subconscious Mind. The mask of vanity and ego I shall never wear again. I perceive the magnificent dweller at the center of my consciousness and I know him to be my very Self. Time and space, shadow and substance, what matter these?


U S Anderson Immortality

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I know I Am pure spirit, deathless, changeless, birthless and eternal. I AM not body; I AM not conscious mind; I AM not ego. I AM sense of Self only, conscious, awareness, unadulterated being. The presence that animates all life is within me, is altogether the real me. I am using my body for a purpose, as an expression of an idea and when the idea is fully expressed, through my work and my mission, I shall return again to unity with Universal Self, leaving body and ego behind. I do not confuse my body and ego with what I truly am.

My body is simply and instrument for my expression and my ego is simply memory of physical experience. Returning to infinity and unity, I shall need neither body nor ego. I am free of the domination of the ego. It is not my true self, it is simply an illusion necessary to finiteness and the perception of space and time. I turn away from the ego, withdraw into the depths of my being to the immortal consciousness that lies within.

Here in this magic center, my word is law. I need only speak it with faith and conviction and it will manifest in my life. I AM calm and serene, sure and unfaltering, for my roots are in eternity. All the things of life shall change and pass away, but I shall never pass away, for wherever life is I shall be, one with Universal Subconscious Mind. I need not strive nor strand for attain immortality, nor fear punishment, nor aspire for reward.

The kingdom of heaven awaits all, the wise, the foolish, the sinner and the saint, for we are all one in reality, clothed in different forms in this moment of incarnation. I do not fear death, for by it I attain the consciousness of higher Self. Neither do I invite death, for it must wait until my work is done. I forsake the ego, perceive self in Self, see the majesty, the grandeur, the immortality of the power that dwells within.

U S Anderson Health

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My body is a manifestation of my knowledge of myself and my true self is spirit, is consciousness only and is invisible. Other people see me not. They see but my body. It is only I who know myself and this knowledge returns to me in my health and in the things of my life. Therefore I affirm that my spirit is perfect, that I am one with the great self of the universe. The energy of this great self permeates my being, cleanses me of all impurities of the flesh, restores every function of body to perfect harmony.

There is perfect elimination, perfect assimilation. My entire being is spiritual and my body is quickened into new life with the perception of this great truth. I surrender myself to the wisdom and guidance of the Universal Subconscious Mind. I become one with the purpose of God and this mighty purpose animates my body, projects into every aspect of my life. There is no obstruction, no barrier, no limitation in my mind. I see only peace, power, vigor and plenty. I open my heart to love and love flows through every atom and pore of my body, energizing, molding and coordinating.

My healing my mind of limitation and lack and negative thinking, I automatically heal my body. At the center of my being, I perceive limitless, ageless and deathless spirit, perfect in beauty, perfect in function. This spirit becomes manifest in my body and in my affairs. When I am faced with apparent confusion, I surrender it, give over each of my problems and worries to that which has the perfect solution and in which there is absolute clarity.

I take my thoughts from the limitless reaches of Universal Subconscious Mind, never from the world around me. I do not think responsively, I think originally; I do not react, I act. I am never a victim of circumstances, for each thing of my life proceeds from out of my thoughts, which move always in accord with God.

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U S Anderson Success

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The infinite creative power of the Universal Subconscious Mind lies within me. I attune myself; remove all barriers from my thought, become receptive to the purposes of God. I know that my life is great and good when I perform service with love. The right ideas are delivered to me, I accept them and Subconscious Mind provides me with the means of bringing them into my world.

I know that all things spring from Universal Mind, which is infinitely abundant. Lack and limitation are errors in thinking and I banish them from my consciousness. There can be no lack. I need only to let the Universal Mind express itself through me and my world is filled with creativeness, achievement and prosperity. My goal will be delivered to me for they are the goal of God who never fails.

Whatever my task I perform it with love, for I know that when I serve another I serve the purposes of a greater design. All about me I see the law of mutual exchange therefore I give as I would receive. I know that abundance and prosperity are mental conditions. I create them on the plane of mind with complete trust and confidence that they will manifest in my life. I refuse to accept undesirable circumstance as having final reality.

First cause is mental and is never found in the world about me. A mighty truth is at the center of my consciousness, w here no work is difficult, where peace always reigns, where all things are possible. I know that life is a journey that must be traveled step by step and I am patient, enjoying the wonder of the way with unshakable faith in my destination.

I submit my will, knowing that success will come when I fulfill my indwelling self.

U S Anderson Love

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The truth about life is the infinite love of God for all
 things. Each man is my brother, bound to me by immortal 
and everlasting ties. I love all people; they dwell 
in my Father and my Father in them. I surrender my 
heart to humanity, and humanity serves me with love. I 
surrender my heart to God, and the love of God becomes 
complete in me. I am one with all the power and vigor and
 knowledge of the universe.

I let go of fear and confusion;
 They are illusions and cannot live with truth, which is
 love, which is complete and fulfilled in me now. The
 great reality of Universal Subconscious Mind is forever 
present at the center of my being. I draw from it perfect 
intelligence, perfect health, perfect peace, perfect happiness, 
perfect love. I surrender all the built up inhibitions 
that have been impressed upon me by the illusions of the

I refuse to accept anything but truth, which is 
always the good and the positive. I move in accord with
 Divine Intelligence. I accept the will and the love of God,
 which I express in laughter and joy and pleasure and 
service. Only the good, the great, the significant, and
 the constructive do I add unto myself. Nothing else is
 allowed into the creative depths of my being. The surging 
desire of each man is to know the fulfillment of love.

way to this fulfillment is through contact with the center
 of consciousness, through communion with the silent 
dweller within. I surrender my doubts and confusions 
and fears. Universal love is complete in me.

I am united
 with God, move with God. I am serene and sure, joyful
 and achieving, confident of ultimate splendor.