Tag Archives: book of mirdad

GOD Of Justice

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GOD OF JUSTICE (14:46 mark)

I AM the righteous judge of all creation
I AM the King of kings
I AM with the generation of the righteous
I AM God; my statutes rejoice the heart
I AM the one who makes unbreakable covenants with man
I AM holy; pure; and undefiable
I AM God; besides me; there is no God
I AM God by which all actions are weighed
I AM God; my testimony is sure
I AM God; my commandments enlighten the eyes
I AM the witness on your behalf
I AM righteous; kings humble themselves before me
I AM God whose eyelids test the sons of men
I AM the spirit of wisdom
I AM my ordinances
I AM the divine judge of all things
I AM the law
I AM my statutes; walk in them
I AM judge of the living and the dead
I AM the spirit of the fear of the Lord
I AM righteous
I AM perfect knowledge
I AM before whom every tongue will confess
I AM the unbiased; impartial judge
I AM the lord who loves righteousness
I AM the lord and my judgements are righteous all together
I AM he who sent Moses to deliver Israel
I AM God and no one can reverse my acts
I AM to be feared above all Gods
I AM God who refines you
I AM my judgements
I AM the Lord who heals you

GOD of Symbols

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GOD OF SYMBOLS (6:02 mark)

I AM the spirit of knowledge and understanding
I AM worthy of worship glorious and incomparable
I AM found in my appointed feasts
I AM the anointing oil
I AM the bright cloud that comes to you
I AM the synagogue; church; tabernacle; and temple
I AM the living water of life
I AM the shofar trumpet
I AM the fountain of Israel
I AM Israel’s living star
I AM the Passover
I AM the Arc of the Covenant
I AM the door
I AM the Altar of the tabernacle
I AM the balm of Gilead
I AM the rose of Sharon
I AM the tree of life
I AM the God of Bethel
I AM the lily of the valley
I AM God whose Sabbaths are assigned between you and me
I AM the rainbow’s color
I AM the rock; there is no other
I AM the glory and the cloud of the temple
I AM the bread of life
I AM your rock; full of living water
I AM the light of the world
I AM a consuming fire
I AM the north; your promoter
I AM the bright and morning star
I AM the light; luminous; glowing; and radiant one

Murphy Finding Serenity

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Joseph Murphy: Meditation for Finding Serenity in any Circumstance

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

I dwell in the secret place of the most high; this is my own mind. All the thoughts entertained by me conform to harmony, peace, and goodwill. My mind is the dwelling place of happiness, joy, and a deep sense of security. All the thoughts that enter my mind contribute to my joy, peace, and general welfare. I live, move, and have my being in the atmosphere of good fellowship, love, and unity.

All the people the dwell in my mind are God’s children. I am at peace in my mind with all the members of my household and all mankind. The same good I wish for myself, I wish for all men. I am living in the house of God now. I claim peace and happiness, for I know that I dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Murphy Peace and Harmony

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Joseph Murphy: Meditation for Peace and Harmony in Daily Living

All is peace and harmony in my world, for God in me is the Lord of peace. I am the consciousness of God in action; I am always at peace. My mind is poised, serene, and calm in this atmosphere of peace and goodwill which surrounds me, I feel a deep abiding strength and freedom from all fear. I now sense and feel the love and beauty of his holy presence.

Day by day I am more aware of God’s love; all that is false falls away. I see God personified in all people. I know that as I allow this inner peace to flow through my being, all problems are solved. I dwell in God; therefore, I rest in the eternal arms of peace. My life is the life of God. My peace is the deep, unchanging peace of God;
it is the peace of God, which passes all understanding.

Incoming search terms:

  • https://iammeditations org/murphy-peace-and-harmony

Murphy Mental Poise

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Joseph Murphy: Meditation for Mental Poise

whether shall I go from my spirit? Or whether shall I flee from my presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there shall by hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me. I am now full of the divine enthusiasm because I am in the presence of divinity. I am in the presence of all power, wisdom, majesty, and love.

The light of God illumines my intellect; my mind is full of poise, balance, and equilibrium. There is a perfect mental adjustment to all things. I am at peace with my own thoughts. I rejoice in my work; it gives me joy and happiness. I draw continually upon my divine storehouse for it is the only presence and the only power.
My mind is God’s mind; I am at peace

Incoming search terms:

  • https://iammeditations org/murphy-mental-poise

Murphy Richer Living

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Joseph Murphy: Meditation for Miracle Power Steps to Richer Living and Financial Success

Wist ye not that I be about my father’s business. I know that my business, profession or activity is God’s business. God’s business is always basically successful. I am growing in wisdom and understanding every day. I know, believe and accept the fact that God’s law of abundance is always working for me, through me and all around me.

My business or profession is full of right action and right expression. The ideas, money, merchandise and contacts that I need are mine now and at all times. All these things are irresistibly attracted to me by the law of universal attraction. God is the life of my business; I am divinely guided and inspired in all ways. Every day I am presented with wonderful opportunities to grow, expand and progress. I am building up goodwill. I am a great success, because I do business with others, as I would have them do it with me.

Murphy Building Self Confidence

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Joseph Murphy: Meditation for Building Self Confidence

I know that the answer to my problem lies in the God self within me. I now get quiet, steel and relaxed. I am at peace. I know God speaks in peace and not in confusion. I am now in tune with the infinite; I know and believe implicitly that infinite intelligence is revealing to me the perfect answer. I think about the solution to my problems. I now live in the mood I would have were my problem solved. I truly live in this abiding faith and trust which is the mood of the solution; this is the spirit of God moving within me. This spirit is Omni potent; it is manifesting itself; my whole being rejoices in the solution; I am glad.I live in this feeling and give thanks.

I know that God has the answer. With God all things are possible. God is the living spirit Almighty within me; he is the source of all wisdom and illumination
the indicator of the presence of God within me is a sense of peace and poise.

I now cease all sense of strain and struggle; I trust the God of power implicitly. I know that all the wisdom and power I need to live a glorious and successful life are within me. I relax my entire body; my faith is in his wisdom; I go free. I claim and feel the peace of God flooding my mind, heart and whole being. I know the quiet mind gets its problem solved. I now turn the request over to the God presence knowing it has an answer. I am at peace.

Incoming search terms:

  • https://iammeditations org/murphy-building-self-confidence

Murphy Riches of Silence

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Joseph Murphy: Meditation For the Riches of the Silence

Jesus said, God is a spirit; and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. I know and realize that God is a spirit moving within me.

I know that God is a feeling or deep conviction of harmony, health and peace within me; it is the movement of my own heart. The spirit or feeling of confidence and of faith which now possesses me is the spirit of God and the action of God on the waters of my mind;
this is God; it is the creative power within me.

I live, move and have my being in the faith and confidence that goodness, truth and beauty shall follow me all the days of my life; this faith in God in all things good is omnipotent; it removes all barriers.

I now close the door of the senses; I withdraw all attention from the world. I turn with into the one, the beautiful, and the good; here, I dwell with my father beyond time and space; here, I live, move and dwell in the shadow of the Almighty. I am free from all fear, from the verdict of the world, and the appearance of things. I now feel his presence, which is the feeling of the answered prayer, or the presence of my good.

I become that which I contemplate. I now feel that I am what I want to be, this feeling or awareness is the action of God in me; it is the creative power. I give thanks for the joy of the answered prayer and I rest in the silence that it is done.

Murphy Business Success

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Joseph Murphy: Meditation For Business or Professional Success

I now dwell on the omnipresence and on the Omni action of God. I know that this infinite wisdom guides the planets on their courses. I know this same divine intelligence governs and directs all my affairs. I claim and believe divine understanding is mine at all times. I know that all my activities are controlled by this indwelling presence.

All my motives are Godlike and true. God’s wisdom, truth and beauty are being expressed by me at all times. The all-knowing one with in me knows what to do, and how to do it. My business or profession is completely controlled, governed and directed by the love of God. Divine guidance is mine.

I know God’s answer, for my mind is at peace. I rest in the everlasting arms.

Murphy Prosperity Prayer

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Joseph Murphy: Meditation For Effective Prosperity Prayer

Thou shalt make the way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. I now give a pattern of success and prosperity to the deeper mind within me, which is the law. I now identify myself with the infinite source of supply. I listen to the still, small voice of God within me. This inner voice leads, guides and governs all of my activities. I am one with the abundance of God. I know and believe that there are new and better ways of conducting my business; infinite intelligence reveals the new ways to me.

I am growing in wisdom and understanding. My business is God’s business. I am divinely prospered in all ways. Divine wisdom within the reveals the ways and means by which all my affairs are adjusted in the right way immediately.

The words of faith and conviction which I now speak open up all the necessary doors or avenues for my success and prosperity. I know that the Lord or law will perfect that which concerns me. My feet are kept in the perfect pass, because I am a son of the living God.

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