Tag Archives: Joseph Murphy: Meditation For the Riches of the Silence

Murphy Riches of Silence

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Joseph Murphy: Meditation For the Riches of the Silence

Jesus said, God is a spirit; and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. I know and realize that God is a spirit moving within me.

I know that God is a feeling or deep conviction of harmony, health and peace within me; it is the movement of my own heart. The spirit or feeling of confidence and of faith which now possesses me is the spirit of God and the action of God on the waters of my mind;
this is God; it is the creative power within me.

I live, move and have my being in the faith and confidence that goodness, truth and beauty shall follow me all the days of my life; this faith in God in all things good is omnipotent; it removes all barriers.

I now close the door of the senses; I withdraw all attention from the world. I turn with into the one, the beautiful, and the good; here, I dwell with my father beyond time and space; here, I live, move and dwell in the shadow of the Almighty. I am free from all fear, from the verdict of the world, and the appearance of things. I now feel his presence, which is the feeling of the answered prayer, or the presence of my good.

I become that which I contemplate. I now feel that I am what I want to be, this feeling or awareness is the action of God in me; it is the creative power. I give thanks for the joy of the answered prayer and I rest in the silence that it is done.