Tag Archives: affirmations

U S Anderson Success

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Looped 25

The infinite creative power of the Universal Subconscious Mind lies within me. I attune myself; remove all barriers from my thought, become receptive to the purposes of God. I know that my life is great and good when I perform service with love. The right ideas are delivered to me, I accept them and Subconscious Mind provides me with the means of bringing them into my world.

I know that all things spring from Universal Mind, which is infinitely abundant. Lack and limitation are errors in thinking and I banish them from my consciousness. There can be no lack. I need only to let the Universal Mind express itself through me and my world is filled with creativeness, achievement and prosperity. My goal will be delivered to me for they are the goal of God who never fails.

Whatever my task I perform it with love, for I know that when I serve another I serve the purposes of a greater design. All about me I see the law of mutual exchange therefore I give as I would receive. I know that abundance and prosperity are mental conditions. I create them on the plane of mind with complete trust and confidence that they will manifest in my life. I refuse to accept undesirable circumstance as having final reality.

First cause is mental and is never found in the world about me. A mighty truth is at the center of my consciousness, w here no work is difficult, where peace always reigns, where all things are possible. I know that life is a journey that must be traveled step by step and I am patient, enjoying the wonder of the way with unshakable faith in my destination.

I submit my will, knowing that success will come when I fulfill my indwelling self.

U S Anderson The Lock

BUY MP3 Audios for Download, ALL 3 Version Included, $5, CLICK LINK

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Looped 25

I know that I am pure spirit, that I always have been,
 and that I always will be. There is inside me a place of 
confidence and quietness and security where all things 
are known and understood. This is the Universal Mind, 
God, of which I am a part and which responds to me as I
 ask of it. This Universal Mind knows the answer to all of
 my problems, and even now the answers are speeding 
their way to me.

I needn’t struggle for them; I needn’t
 worry or strive for them. When the time comes, the 
answers will be there. I give my problems to the great mind
 of God; I let go of them, confident that the correct 
answers will return to me when they are needed. Through 
the great law of attraction, everything in life that I need 
for my work and fulfillment will come to me. It is not
 necessary that I strain about this – only believe. For in 
the strength of my belief, my faith will make it so. I 
see the hand of divine intelligence all about me, in 
the flower, the tree, the brook and the meadow.

I know that 
the intelligence that created all these things is in me and 
around me and that I can call upon it for my slightest 
need. I know that my body is a manifestation of pure 
spirit and that spirit is perfect; therefore my body is 
perfect also. I enjoy life, for each day brings a constant 
demonstration of the power and wonder of the universe and
 myself. I am confident. I am serene. I am sure.

No matter 
what obstacle or undesirable circumstance crosses my 
path, I refuse to accept it, for it is nothing but illusion.
 There can be no obstacle or undesirable circumstance to
 the mind of God, which is in me, and around me, and
 serves me now.

A Bailey Invocation 3

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Looped 10
Looped 25


From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men. May Christ return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men—
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out. And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth. — 1945

A Bailey Invocation 1

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25


Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to mankind.
Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad.
May men of goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation.
May forgiveness on the part of all men be the keynote at this time.
Let power attend the efforts of the Great Ones.
So let it be, and help us to do our part. — 1935

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Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

FATHER-MOTHER-LIFE, you are my life, my constant support, my health, my protection,
my perfect fulfillment of every need and my highest inspiration.
I ask you to reveal the true Reality of Yourself to me. I know it is your WILL that I shall be fully
illumined that I may better receive awareness of Your Presence within and around me.
I believe and know that this is possible. I believe that you protect and maintain me within perfect LOVE. I know that my eventual purpose is to EXPRESS YOU.
As I speak to you, I know that you are perfectly receptive of me,
for you are UNIVERSAL LOVING INTELLIGENCE which has so marvelously
designed this world and brought it into visible form.
I know, that as I ask YOU to speak to me, I am sending out a consciousness searchlight into your Divine Consciousness and as I listen, YOU will be penetrating my human consciousness and coming ever closer to my increasingly receptive mind and heart.
I commit myself and my life into your care.’

This site is for those that are looking for help with their meditation and affirmation work. We have accumulated an incredible resource of affirmations and meditations from some of the greatest metaphysical authors of our time and the past.

We then recorded the affirmations and added the text for those of you that are more visual.


Simple. Scan the menu bar at the right, find a topic that sounds interesting to you, click the topic and you will be taken to that page. There are three ways you can utilize this site and the meditations and affirmations.

#1 If you are visual, simply read and recite the affirmations out loud.

#2 If you enjoy being read too, play the audios. We have setup 3 different audios for each file. A single play file, a 10 looped file ( plays 10 times in a row ) and for those hard core a 25 loop file.

#3 Personally I like this option the best. Choose which file you want to play, and then you read along with the audio. Remember the old saying “When Two or More are Gathered in My Name” just think of me as your affirmation buddy.


Please do….if you have a personal affirmation or I AM Meditations that you would like to share, click the contact / submit button in the TOP menu bar and send me a TEXT version of your affirmation, and if I like it I will record it and add it to the site. Hopefully the site will grow leaps and bounds by user participation.



NOTHING Happens without FEELING.

“The feeling element is the female element”

The mental action alone is really “knowing,” or conscious consciousness; and may be said to be the first • step the mentality takes to experience anything. This “knowing,” unaccompanied by feeling, does not produce a visible effect. This “knowing” is the male element of Mind, the per­ceptive element. When this perceptive element is used alone, it produces• no visible effect or experience. It is on a par with the mentality that mentally draws plans of a house or invention, but never gets beyond the plan-drawing stage. Some­ thing more than mere plan-drawing is needed, before an individual mentality will actually set to work to externalize the house or invention. This something more is feeling.If there is no feeling • accompanying the house-planning, the mentality will not exert itself actually to produce the house or invention. It is no different in cases of success or failure, health or sickness, happiness or sorrow.

One could spend a century in planning or thinking health, and still not experience it; simply because, thinking or knowing without feeling, can­ not produce the experience called health; for health is a state of both knowing and feeling. The feeling element is the female element, or the mother element, which fulfills or brings to fruition or conscious experience, that which the knowing element thinks or perceives.

Knowing is really perception ; and mental per­ception might be said to be the first step towards conceiving. Conceiving, the second step, may be likened to reasoning, wherein the mental element is actively engaged in formulating or organizing its perception or knowing into a stabilized state, or a feeling of certainty ; and in this way feeling is engendered. Every set conclusion that the mentality arrives at has both the elements of knowing and feeling in combination. When the mentality really arrives at any set conclusion, that conclusion is always accompanied by the sense of certainty, which is really a feeling of certainty. All can prove this to themselves by giving a little thought to their past experiences.

This very perception or knowing, this apprehending or reasoning, and this comprehending or mental conclusion is the triune element, called mind. It is a trinity in unity, that produces only in unity. Not one of this trinity, alone, will produce form or experience; because it is only a single element, and it takes the three to produce objective form. This trinity in unity is the triune element; which was first called the Almighty by Abraham, because he recognized its all-power; and later, by others, called God, having been named this to correspond with its quality, which is all­ good.

The mistaken sense, that the primal element is a personal God or an enlarged Being, came about through misunderstanding; and through the indi­vidual erringly believing himself to be the servant of some unknown power.This, in turn, brought about the error of praying to, and pleading with, the supposititious, personal God for favors; instead of following the teachings of the few, who knew the facts and admonished all.to get understanding.

“Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom :” so wrote Solomon

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