Tag Archives: self help

I AM Invocation 18

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Looped 25

I AM Invocation

Thou Mighty, Invincible “I AM Presence”! Speak Thyself into the
hearts of the children of men! Fill their hearts and minds to overflowing with the
Magnificence of Thy Presence, with the conscious strength to look to Thee and
know Thee as “the One,” the Mighty, Eternal Source of all things by which the
consciousness of mankind is sustained. Make them to know Thy Great Ownership,
that it is Thee alone who art the Owner and Giver of all things, that they may thus
manifest unselfishly one to the other. We thank Thee.

I bring you Greetings from the Great Host, who are ever pouring Their Radiant
Presence into your lives.

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I AM Invocation 17

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Invocation

Thou Majestic Presence of the Ascended Jesus Christ! Thou Who hast
gained Thy Eternal Dominion over all things, Thou Who dost rest serene in the
Heart of the Eternal Father, pouring forth Thy Wondrous Radiance, enfolding all
mankind! We give praise and thanks to Thee. Our hearts fill with great rejoicing
that the Ascended Host with Thee see and manipulate the dawning, Eternal Light
for the Blessing of humanity.

I AM Invocation 15

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Invocation

Thou Mighty Infinite Presence, All-Pervading Intelligence, All-
Pervading Substance of Light, Thou Mighty Presence, Thou Ascended Jesus Christ
now manifest through His Mighty Radiance! We give praise and thanks unto the
Light, unto Thee, O Mighty Brother! We give praise unto the Central Sun to the One
from whose Ray we receive today.

Out of the fullness of Thy Radiant Life, O God, we bow in adoration before Thy
Mighty Presence.

I bring you Greetings from the Great Master or God Meru, whose Messenger is
Nada. He is to one great mountain of this earth, whose mystery shall one day be
explained, as the Master Himalaya is to the Himalayan range. Nada is with Me in
the Golden City upon whose Twin Rays We come forth today. During these next
seven weeks, as designated and as you have felt, Our joint Ray shall come to you
each time from the Golden City.

I AM Invocation 11

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Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Invocation

Thou Majestic Presence, Infinite Creator of all there is, the “Great I
AM,” visible and invisible, manifest and unmanifest! We rejoice in Thy Great and
Mighty Presence — that Thou hast made us aware of Thy Limitless Power, Thy
Infinite Intelligence, Thy Eternal Youth and Beauty. We give praise and thanks that
we have become so aware of Thy Great Opulence, Thy Great Abundance, that we
feel It like a mighty river in our hands and use, Thou Mighty Endless Source! Thou
Ceaseless Stream! Thou hast made us aware that: ” ‘I AM’ the Mighty Power of
Precipitation.” We bow before Thee in adoration and full acceptance of Thy Mighty
Presence and Power

I AM Invocation 10

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Invocation

Thou Mighty, Infinite Presence, Thou All-Pervading Intelligence! Thy
Love, Wisdom and Power govern all things. Thy Divine Justice is ever operating in
the lives and worlds of those who look to Thee with unfailing determination.
We give praise and thanks that Thou art the Ruling Power and Governing
Intelligence ruling all things.

We give praise and thanks that in our world Thou art the ever-sustaining,
Invincible Power. We thank Thee. God always finds a way to help those whose
hearts reach out to Him.

I AM Invocation 9

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Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Invocation

From out the Great Silence, O Thou Luminous Brother! We welcome
Thee and Thy Ministry unto America; and as Thou hast put forth Thy Opening
Wedge this day, so shall those under this Radiation become aware of Thy Presence
—O Thou Great Light that illumines all earthly minds, making them aware of the
One Eternal Presence, the One Intelligence governing all the activity that “I AM,”
individualized everywhere.

We give praise and thanks that there is but One Intelligence governing everywhere,
and the duty of the student always, no matter what the appearance, is to accept
only this fact; and that he becomes a radiant channel to pour out this Truth like a
gushing stream, pouring itself forth to the Great Ocean of Life. We give praise and
thanks that out of the Silence has come another Presence who will bless, lift and
enlighten humanity. By the Power which “I AM” and the accumulated Wisdom and
Energy of the centuries, I project forth into the minds of humanity this day that
Intelligent Activity which will guide them aright and control them to act

By the “I AM,” the “Universal I AM,” the Great One,
I command this Power to act in all mankind.

I AM Invocation 8

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Invocation

Thou Mighty, All-Pervading Presence! Thou All-Pervading “I AM”! We
give praise and thanks for the happiness pervading those under this Radiation. We
give praise and thanks that the Simple Key to Perfect Happiness may be given to
bless and to anchor these Children of God into their own firm Dominion. We give
praise for the harmony maintained within each student, and that they feel the
necessity to continue it. We give praise that “I AM” everywhere present, controlling
every outer activity and bringing it into Perfection.

I AM Invocation 5

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Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Invocation

Thou Mighty Infinite Presence – Thou All-Pervading Healing
Presence! Descend and do Thy Work. Thou Mighty Infinite Intelligence! Give forth
Thy Confidence and Strength! Fill the mind and body of each one with Thy Radiant
Presence! Fill every cell with Thy Radiant Presence!

Prove Thy Presence in Thy Conquering Mastery and Power. Mighty Master Presence
within each one —come forth! Erase this outer human self and hold Thy Dominion
now and forever. There is but One Intelligence, Presence, Essence and Love,
and this Thou art. Pour forth Thy Radiance through these outer cloaks of flesh
and command Thy Perfection to thus be manifest and sustained.

I AM Invocation 3

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Invocation

Thou Infinite, All-Pervading Presence! With Thy Mighty Radiance
surging forth throughout the atmosphere of earth, we give praise and thanks for
the onrushing Christ Power of Love and Wisdom, which with no uncertainty is
raising the consciousness of mankind above the sordid selfishness of the activity of
the outer self.

We give praise and thanks that we have become conscious of Thy Mighty, Active
Presence at all times, and that in the conscious recognition of Thee,
Thou dost charge our minds and bodies with Thy Pure Presence forever.

I AM Invocation 2

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Invocation

Thou Infinite, All-Pervading Presence —Thou Mighty Master within
each human form We acknowledge and accept Thy Full Presence manifest within
these forms and within the human form of every individual that God has sent

We give praise and thanks that at last we have become aware of this Mighty
Presence to Whom we can turn and recognize the Fullness of God’s Activity,
the “I AM” of all things.