Tag Archives: Free Affirmations

Book of Mirdad 10

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Book of Mirdad, Mikhail Naimy

“Take care that you hold not your priceless life so cheap as gold.”

Book of Mirdad 4

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Book of Mirdad, Mikhail Naimy

“Logic is immaturity weaving its nets of gossamer wherewith it aims to
catch the behemoth of knowledge.
Logic is a crutch for the cripple, but a burden for the swift of foot and
a greater burden still for the wise.”

Book of Mirdad 1

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Book of Mirdad

Think as if your every thought were to be etched in fire
across the sky for all and everything to see.
For so, in truth, it is.
Speak as if the world entire were but a single ear intent on hearing what you say.
And so, in truth, it is.
Do as if your every deed were to recoil upon your heads.
And, so in truth it does.
Wish as if you were the wish.
And so, in truth, you are.
And live as if your GOD Himself had need of you his life to live.
And so, in truth, he does.

GOD the Ancient One

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GOD THE ANCIENT ONE (24:48 mark)

I AM the Lord God of Abraham; Isaac; and Jacob
I AM the Holy Spirit who hovered over the chaos of this earth
I AM the light of Genesis that was before light was
I AM the sacred Shma of the ancients
I AM the light of the ancients
I AM the holy one of Israel
I AM the one whose ways are perfect
I AM God; the fear of me is clean; enduring forever
I AM the holy of holies
I AM the God of knowledge
I AM the lord sitting on his throne
I AM God; who formed the earth to be inhabited
I AM understanding
I AM God who is joined to the eunuch
I AM the God of all the holy prophets and scripture
I AM God who divided the sea
I AM the Lord of the dance
I AM the Lord
I AM the guiding star at Jesus’s birth
I AM God who turned water into wine
I AM he; of whom all prophets foretold
I AM the root of the offspring of David
I AM God who leads you into all truth
I AM the God whose rainbow is my everlasting covenant with you
I AM the root of Jesse
I AM the God of Jerusalem; wherein is my name
I AM the creator of Israel
I AM the God who divided the waters
I AM the fountain of the house of David
I AM God; who shuts up the heavens
I AM God who turns water into blood
I AM married to Israel

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GOD of Promise

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GOD OF PROMISE (18:22 mark)

I AM returning
I AM God and I want you to believe in me
I AM he who places your tears in my bottle; in my book
I AM God who shows you things to come
I AM the 7 spirits and they are me
I AM the Lord; the fear of me is a fountain of life
I AM God; my secrets are with those who fear me
I AM life’s guarantor of joy and health
I AM God who will be found by those who seek me; with all their heart and soul
I AM; and you shall know my names
I AM he who leads you in the paths of righteousness
I AM the architect of the last days
I AM the sole key giver of heaven
I AM the God who hears
I AM the lord who hears those who speak about my name
I AM God who leads you to prophesy
I AM the soon coming king
I AM the Lord; I do not change
I AM always with you wherever you are
I AM God who speaks thru dreams
I AM God who reveals his form
I AM the healing you seek
I AM the savior who will descend on the Mount of Olives
I AM God who gives you visions
I AM God of those who are growing old
I AM coming quickly
I AM the one coming on the white horse
I AM the soon rending of the heavens
I AM the precision of my scripture
I AM waiting for you

GOD Of Mercy

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GOD OF MERCY (8:39 mark)

I AM God who is merciful
I AM favor; and I grant favor to whom I choose
I AM God of the spotted and the speckled
I AM the prince of peace; prophesied by the prophet Isaiah
I AM God who restores your soul
I AM the friend of sinners
I AM God; I tempt no one
I AM the God of peace
I AM he who weeps with those who weep
I AM he who speaks from a position of mercy
I AM long suffering
I AM my spirit
I AM gracious
I AM the forgiver of all transgressions
I AM the manna which came down from heaven
I AM the breath that gives you life
I AM he who will not remember your sins
I AM the beloved in the Song of songs
I AM God that stretches out his hand
I AM the liberty you seek through my spirit
I AM ever faithful
I AM God in the midst of your land
I AM the forgiver of iniquity
I AM abundant in mercy
I AM the altar of peace for your fear
I AM the Lord who makes wise the simple
I AM God who is daily full of new mercy
I AM God who comforts you
I AM God of the poor and stranger
I AM gentle and lowly in heart
I AM the Lord who exercises loving kindness

The Radiant I AM

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(A Self-Healing)

Emma Curtis Hopkins

The listening disciple becomes a preaching apostle. Standing at the Center of
Being and looking outward over the world, instruction is received from every quarter.
But who hath told himself that all the objects he beholds and all their movements also
are but projections of his own judgment? He seems always to be a learner and a
seeker till at the center of his consciousness the fact is suddenly proclaimed that he
himself produced the world as it appears.

Then he no longer listens to information from without; he authorizes from
himself what he would see and hear and touch; even what he would know.
I have been a listening disciple. I have let people and objects and activities
come toward me and impinge upon me till I have been over piled and mountain covered
with thoughts. But now I know that I AM at my own Center, authority over and
through my universe, and I shall ordain my twelve disciples, or my twelve powers, to
spread my Original Nature abroad till from me to the utmost stretches all is my Divine

It is the teaching that all is Spirit, and matter is not obedient shadow-picturing
thereof, which is the final subtle message toward me that makes me see that I AM
what I AM and alter not. Spirit is the gentle Mother doctrine among the doctrines of the
world—gentle but inexorable. She brings to exposure the Man Child, my I AM—who
shall rule all nations with a rod of iron. The iron that is strongest is magnetic. It rules
in the earth by holding all the particles together. It rules in the sun. It rules in all the
spheres. They roll because of the magnet. So all my being has moved because of my
I AM. So all my universe shall wheel to my ordination.

This is my ministry. I am glad to give myself to my Self and to give all my world
to my Self and let my Self do in judgment twelve works upon the earth.
This is my ministry. I have heard all I shall ever hear. I know all I shall ever
know. I now make my Self known.

I make my Self known by speaking, thinking, writing and living the word of my
Self—my I AM. I reign from sea to sea and from the river to the uttermost parts of the
earth. I reign by my knowledge of my own I AM and its last name. The name of my I
AM in the last days of the manifestation of a universe, which I made by not speaking
from my Central Point, is Jesus Christ. The I AM in me is Jesus Christ. I speak boldly
of my Self to the world in which I walk. I think from my Self forward over its surface
through all its substance. I write what I know and I write what I AM, and what I write is
the fibre of all things. They shall feel themselves knitting into transfigured
embodiments by my written words. “Write what thou hearest and give it unto the
churches.” (Rev. 1:11)

I live as a breath of life forward and back through the universe. I AM the conduct
of my world. What I do it does. Conducting from my Center, I satisfy my world with
what I AM. My world can find no flaw in Me. I can find no flaw in my Self. Because I
live at my Center, ye live also. My rod of iron is my being what I AM and knowing it.
“We give Thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, because Thou hast taken to
Thyself Thy great power and hast reigned_” These that are thankful are my powers. I
AM Lord God Almighty to my own powers.

I AM power of Life to the universe. Because I live, all that hath form or name
shall live. There shall be no death nor fear of death throughout the boundaries of
eternal spaces from this day forth forever. That which proceedeth forth from Me is Life
and the power of Life forever. As I breathe, the creatures of the sea and air and sands
rise up refreshed and there is no power against their life and no ending of their life
forever from this day forth.

I AM the unending, irresistible Life of the world. I think this—I speak this—I write
this—I live this. This is my ministry which I AM. “Let us give ourselves to the ministry
of the Word.” (Acts 6:4)

I AM the power of Health to the universe. Because I AM holy at my Center, I
make whole wherever I decree. I AM authority. There shall be happy, joyous, free,
fearless Health through this universe from this day. All that have name and shape
shall this day lift up their heads with new refreshment. The elixirs of a fadeless healing
shall steal through them. There shall be no disease or sickness from this day of the
Lord onward. “The inhabitants shall not say, ‘I am sick.’ Any more.” (Isaiah 33:24)
I AM the unending, irresistible, beautiful Health of the whole universe. I, its
Center, shed my Health abroad. This is my stopless ministry.
I think this—I speak this—I write this—I live this.

I AM the power of strength to the universe. Because I AM unalterable, I AM
omnipotence. I minister myself abroad. All that have shape or name feel stealing
through them a reviving strength from this day which nothing shall ever interfere with. I
strengthen wherever I decree. I AM Authority. There shall be lifting up and strong
godliness throughout all mysteries of height and depth and plain and valley from this
day onward. There shall no faintness seize upon anything. There shall no weakness
touch anything. There shall no feebleness be heard of forever and forever. The
prophecy is fulfilled in me which reads, “When men are cast down, thou shalt say,
there is lifting up.” (Job 22:29)

I AM the Strength of the universe. This is my ministry. Strength that proceedeth
from me is irresistible, unending. I think this—I speak this—I write this—I live this. I
AM a tower whose radiance is elixir for infinity.

I AM the power of Support to the universe. Everything that hath shape or name
is upborne and prospered in all its ways from this day on. There shall be no lack or
disappointed effort. All shall rise and have self-respect from this day on. I from my
Center AM a radiance of upbearing sustainment through all this universe. There shall
be no poverty, no lack, no want from this day forth.

I AM the sufficiency of my universe. It is my decree. The elixir of bounty, of
prospering effort, spreads forth from me. This is my irresistible, unending ministry. I
think this—I speak this—I write this—I live this.

I AM a tower whose radiance sheds abroad Protection for infinite kingdoms.
That which speeds forth as my radiance is the Holy Spirit of Revelation. I AM the
unending peaceable defense of the whole universe. By Me all that have name or
shape are safe and secure running, or walking, or flying forever. They shall not fear.
They shall not be attacked. They shall not be hurt. The days of hurting have flown
away. The dreams of danger are past. Things wake as my mighty elixirs spread
through them borne on the streams of my word, my thought, my writings, my life
breaths. They rouse themselves. They are safe forevermore. “They shall not hurt or
kill (destroy) in all my holy mountain.” (Isaiah 11:9)

I AM the security of the infinite stretches and of the near creations. “Peace,
peace to them that are afar off and to them that are near.” (Eph. 2:17) This is my
ministry. I think this—I speak this—I write this—I live this.

I AM the power of Mind to my universe. Even the stones shed a message
intelligible to all other shapes and names because of my being the intelligence of all
things shedding my nature forth without stopping. No foolishness or ignorance shall
ever shame anything visible or invisible from this day on forever. Its Presence is its
wisdom. Its Presence is its information. An elixir of intelligence is on its stopless
march from me at my Center forever through all the reaches of space and formulation.
I decree intelligence. I decree Mind. I think and all the universe thinks divinely like
Me. My Mind is not as the former mind which could change or stop. It is the Jesus
Christ Mind whose word shall not pass away.

I AM a tower whose radiance is unending Wisdom through all things. This is my
ministry, My Logos. I think this—I speak this—I write this—I live this.
I AM the radiant Logos in Mind.

I AM the power of Speech to my universe. My tongue is its tongue. What I say,
it says from its smallest atom to its gigantic formulation. My Central Name is my
tongue of radiance. All that speak, speak of the I AM. One tongue only shall speak.
Its language no man or stone did hear nor could ever hear till I should speak from my
Center. I now speak what I speak from my Jesus Christ Name. So atoms and angels
speak a new heaven and a new earth into their own view, empowered by my tongue
with its elixirs of fire. I speak and the universe uttereth itself.

I AM a tower whose radiance sheds eloquent Speech through atoms and man.
This is my ministry. I think this—I speak this—I write this—I live this.
I AM the power of Writing—Recording—Witnessing of Jesus Christ and the
Name folded within the gates of that Name. What I write the world writes. I fix my
hallowed glory with my fingers and all things fix themselves to go no more away from
their home forever. The Written Word is the haven of man and of beast. I AM the
inspiring pen of the world. I shall find my inspiration everywhere. Nothing unlike my
writing lives. All except my inspirations vanish. I AM from my Center the fixing and
transfixing pen. I shall not faint or fail to fix my glory everywhere. I AM man’s
inspiration with his pen and I inspire all things to record me as I AM.

I AM a tower whose radiance is the inspiration to pen itself in its divinity in every
shape and name through infinity. I think this—I speak this—I write this—I live this.
I AM the power of Song—Joyous Song that steals in unquenchable smiling
through the universe. I AM the Eternal Smile. As I shed my Self through the atoms
and through the globes, they sing. I AM the joyous song, unquenchable, unhinderable
forever. No other sound but singing, no other voice but joy is heard from this day forth.
I AM the inspiring joy of my world forever. This is my ministry. I think this—I
speak this—I write this—I live this. There is joy beyond ecstasy. I AM that joy.
I AM the power of Skill for all things. From me there steals forever a quick touch
of skillfulness through all fingers. No child needs to be schooled, no bird needs a
teacher, no angel needs a helper. All can do their part and they can do what they will
to do. There is no incompetency or need of learning from this day on forever,

I AM a tower whose radiance is a skill-inspiring elixir, stopless-eternal. This is
my ministry. I think this—I speak this—I write this—I live this.
I AM the power of Beauty and Judgment. From my poised place I AM the poise
of the ages of men. I judge, and my judgment is what all things go by. They judge like
me. I set the features of things into balance and this is their beauty. I balance the
atoms that flow in the skin and its balance is its beauty. I set the inner parts into
harmony by being the central judgment of eternal facts.

I decree and there is no injustice. Nothing falls into mistake. Nothing is unjust.
The scales of my judgment are the scales in the hearts of all men. They will not fail to
use these scales. And thus order and beauty reign from Pole Star to Southern Cross
and from right-hand to left of the worlds beyond worlds. “He shall not faint or fail till He
hath established judgment in the earth_” (C.f., Jer. 23:5) I AM a scale whose rods are
the beams of unbreakable right. My judgment is right judgment. As I judge, so it is.
All the poise that I AM I radiate through all the universe and all things feel the joy
of adjustment. This is my ministry. This is my nature.
I think this—I speak this—I write this—I live this.

I AM the power of Heaven to every atom and to every archangel. From my
Jesus Christ Center of Being I shed Heaven through the spaces. All things breathe of
my radiance. I shed my Self abroad in unending beauty; Heaven breaks in the heart
and on the vision from me to all things, through all things. The old heaven and earth
sink away into forgotten dreams because I have found my Self, because I know my
Self, because I AM my Self. I have taken up the authority I had from before the worlds
were spun on the ethers of time.

I decree Heaven and Heaven it is. My will is done on earth and it is all Heaven.
My Kingdom is come and it is the new land of delight that steals on the vision and
reaches the senses of all things. Nothing like the dreams of earth, nothing like the
motions of matter ever reaches my universe. As silently as a moonbeam lights on a
mountain, so silently has Heaven stolen on the gazes of all the creations of infinity.
I AM a tower whose elixirs of radiance reveal the visions of Heaven to the senses
of man. From my Jesus Christ center I AM Heaven from this day forth to all the
universe. This is my stopless, everlasting ministry. I do this. I AM this. My Name is a
folding gate that opens and there is no sound. My Name is Jesus Christ, and in that
Name I AM the Heaven of all this universe.

Its meaning is its influence. I AM its meaning, its influence, its heavenliness. I
think this—I speak this—I write this—I live this. I AM what I Am. I do what I AM by
knowing my Self as Jesus Christ the Heaven-sending Center of Being, the Heavensending

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Magnifying the Light

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This is not so much a meditation or affirmation but a
powerful technique for magnifying the Light

Robert A Russell:Technique of magnifying the light

Jesus proved himself to be the truest, clearest medium for the light the world has ever known. He was so perfect and agent that he became the light and was in able to say, I am the light of the world. In all ages there then persons so aware of their unity with God, so sensitized to his presence, so selfless, and so strong in faith that they were able to establish instantaneous communication with their source and to manifest it for all the world to see. They were and are the blest. If you have this power, cherish it. You have no need of aids or devices.

But there are those of us who were so accustomed to thinking of the formality and discipline of our approach to what we desire and what we recognize is good that we do not have the full realization of our birthright. We are reluctant to trust our intuition and feel it only by work and effort can we attain the end we seek.

The drill that follows is for the purpose of magnifying our inherent light until we become conscious of our oneness with the great light. Through it, we may find the way by which we can best establish the contact we seek. We may find that we lengthen one step and shorten another as we become familiar with the procedure. We may find that we all met some of the suggestions. There is no ritual by which one needs to be bound. The practice that brings result is the right procedure, and each must determine that for himself.

Mystics of all time have developed and utilized practices that relax the body and eliminate psychic tension. The process is twofold. Complete relaxation involves both the body and the mind.

Psychic tension is a psychological term which refers to such negative and distinctive mental and emotional states as worry, anxiety, fear, jealousy, resentment, and animosity. Psychic tension is like a tourniquet limiting the energy by which we are kept alive. Those who learn to overcome it prolong their lives on this plane many years. When the mind is relaxed, the body is at rest and man becomes a conductor through which the light shines.

The first step in magnifying the light is to relax the body. There are many postures which assist in this relaxation. One is sitting in a chair with the back straight and the arms resting lightly on the thighs with the palms of the hands turned upward. The other is lying flat on a hard bed or other surface with the arms resting loosely by the sides of the body and the feet about 6 inches apart. Each person must find the position in which he is most comfortable.
The second step is to think of the body as weighing a 1000 pounds or more and being upheld by the surface on which it rests. You have no responsibility for this support except to surrender your body to it.

Now flex the muscles of your body from your feet to your neck. Squeeze every muscle as tightly as you can, just as though you were ringing the water out of a bath towel. Let go as though you were coming unglued and your body were falling apart. Take a deep breath between flexing and exhale slowly without effort right down to your boots. Make sure that the lungs are emptied completely.

Now roll your head from side to side, touching your face to the bed each time as though it were not attached to your body. Seven is the cardinal numbers symbolizing perfection and hold us. Say each time you flex the eyeballs, my eyes are the perfect eyes of spirit and God sees now through them.

Repeat this practice with specific attention to the throat, tongue, net, shoulders, arms, hands, lungs, abdomen, thighs, legs, knees, feet. Think of the Christ presence as coming more and more into focus as you relax the physical body. Feel peace and serenity flowing through every nerve, muscle, tissue, and organ until you are no longer conscious of your body, until it makes no more claims upon you. Repeat many times, the healing peace is now flowing through my body, relaxing, renewing, revitalizing, and heating it, making me perfectly whole, well, and complete. Remain quiet for a moment.

The next step is to relax the mind. What we are seeking in this exercise is relaxation of the total man, body and mind.

Now hold your body in a relaxed state and think of your mind, the whole mental realm, as an untroubled pool. Surrender your human will to the divine will. Repeat Jesus’s own words: not my will, but thine, be done. Keep repeating them until the human will is no longer active in you. Now withdraw your mind from all concerned with the outer world. Say to yourself, he will keep me in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee. Withdraw your attention from your problems. Refuse for the moment to have any concern or thought about them. Repeat words and statements such as these to yourself quiet, serenity, peace, pulleys, tranquility
so long thy power has kept me, sure it will still lead me on.

Where he leads me, I will follow; I’ll go with him all the way.
Now, let go and let God. Keep saying to yourself, I and the father are one until you feel the peace and stillness of spirit within you. Breathe such words as these: I am enfolded by his presence. I am resting in the secret place of the most high. I am abiding under the shadow of the Almighty.

The next step is to enter the silence of the soul to contact God’s presence. You would shut the door of the senses and silenced all vagrant thoughts and are now at the door which takes you into God’s presence. Be still and know that I am God. Say these words over several times quietly and with deep feeling. Say them until you feel the stillness and every atom of your being. The purpose of this step is to help you feel the presence within you and unify yourself with God. Be still and know that I am God. Know the truth in these words. Feel it. You are approaching the presence of God who is closer than breathing and nearer than hands and feet.

Now stretch your arms out to your sides and see yourself on a bed as surrounded with an aura or circle of light. Think of this light as a radiation of the great light with which you are making contact you have three physical inlets for making this contact. The top of your head, the souls of your feet, and the tips of your finger. Think of all three as resting against the circle of light which surround you.

Breathe the light deeply into your being. Feel it penetrating every recess of your mind and every part of your body. In him was life and the life was the light of men.

Now as you inhale, visualize the light pouring through the top of your head, the soles of your feet, and the tips of your fingers. Your physical breathing goes on automatically, do not confuse it with the inbreeding of your light body.

Now visualize the aura of infinite light that comes direct from God as pouring through your being and centering in the soul. The soul is not located in the body but around the body. You can think of the point of concentration, however, as in the region of the solar plexus, the center of your abdomen just below the ribs. It is at this point that your light fuses with the divine light.

The next step is to put on the armor of light, do this by following around the aura of light in your thought.

As you consciously inhale the light, turn your attention to the point just above your head and say silently or allowed, I am the light of the world. Visualize this light descending from the auric circle and entering your body through the solar plexus. Be very still during these exercises and feel the light of spirit flowing through you, permeating your entire being. See yourself immersed in a sea of effulgent light illuminating your whole body. Now turn your thoughts toward the soles of your feet and repeat the process, saying I am the light of the world. Do the same thing with the tips of your fingers.

Your mind and body are now charged with light and your whole being is filled with peace. God is there, and you are ready to feel his presence. You must be careful, however, not to try to visualize his presence. Simply recall all the things you know about God and say, as Jesus did, I and the father are one. Then repeat the 23rd Psalm or any of the Scriptures that give you a vivid awareness of his reality and nearness your consciousness will be lifted to the point at which you can actually feel the divine presence.

The last step is to embody the presence with in your own consciousness. You must not only hope that this will happen; you must also expect it to happen. Expectation is faith in action. Know that God will come into your consciousness at this point, not as a tangible form but as a state of mind. This is the reward for your effort. The moment you sense the presence of God, that moment your desire has been fulfilled. You are now able to say your prayers and give your treatments with absolute certainty of an answer. You are aglow with divine possibilities; your mind is open to the influx of spiritual ideas; your world is filled with light. The light that lighteth every man is now a flame in you. Thank God before closing your meditation for the light which he has bestowed upon you and all mankind.

To understand the thrill and wonders of the light you must experience it. This is a very simple technique which anyone can practice. When we become the light, we can shared with others. The problems in our lives and those of our loved ones are no longer our responsibility but his. Praying in the light is providing a channel through which our desire is conducted to God and through which his power comes to meet our need

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Murphy Achieving Balanced Mind

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Joseph Murphy: Meditation for Achieving the Balanced Mind for Wise Decisions

thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee. I know that the inner desires of my heart come from God within me. God wants me to be happy. The will of God for me is life, love, truth, and beauty. I mentally accept my good now and I become a perfect channel for the divine.

I come into his presence singing; I enter into his courts with praise; I am joyful and happy;
I am still and poised.

The still small voice whispers in my ear revealing to me my perfect answer. I am an expression of God. I am always in my true place doing the thing I love to do. I refuse to accept the opinions of man as truth. I now turn within and I sense and feel the rhythm of the divine. I hear the melody of God whispering its message of love to me.

My mind is God’s mind, and I’m always reflecting divine wisdom and divine intelligence. My brain symbolizes my capacity to think wisely and spiritually. God’s ideas unfold within my mind with perfect sequence. I am always poised, balanced, serene, and calm, for I know that God will always revealed to me the perfect solution to all my needs.

Incoming search terms:

  • https://iammeditations org/murphy-achieving-balanced-mind

Murphy Controlling Emotions

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Joseph Murphy: Meditation for Controlling My Emotions

When a negative thought of fear, jealousy, or resentment enters my mind, I supplant it with the thought of God. My thoughts are God’s thoughts, and God’s power is with my thoughts of good. I know I have complete dominion over my thoughts and emotions.
I am a channel of the divine.

I now redirect all my feelings and emotions along harmonious, constructive lines. The sons of God shouted for joy. I now rejoice to accept the ideas of God which are peace, harmony, and goodwill and I delight to express them; this heals all discord within me. Only God’s ideas enter my mind, bringing the harmony, health, and peace.

God is love. Perfect love casts out fear, resentment, and all negative states. I now fall in love with truth. I wish for all men everything I wish for myself; I radiate love, peace, and goodwill to all. I am at peace.