Tag Archives: manifestations for marriage

I AM Invocation 18

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I AM Invocation

Thou Mighty, Invincible “I AM Presence”! Speak Thyself into the
hearts of the children of men! Fill their hearts and minds to overflowing with the
Magnificence of Thy Presence, with the conscious strength to look to Thee and
know Thee as “the One,” the Mighty, Eternal Source of all things by which the
consciousness of mankind is sustained. Make them to know Thy Great Ownership,
that it is Thee alone who art the Owner and Giver of all things, that they may thus
manifest unselfishly one to the other. We thank Thee.

I bring you Greetings from the Great Host, who are ever pouring Their Radiant
Presence into your lives.

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I AM Invocation 15

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Looped 25

I AM Invocation

Thou Mighty Infinite Presence, All-Pervading Intelligence, All-
Pervading Substance of Light, Thou Mighty Presence, Thou Ascended Jesus Christ
now manifest through His Mighty Radiance! We give praise and thanks unto the
Light, unto Thee, O Mighty Brother! We give praise unto the Central Sun to the One
from whose Ray we receive today.

Out of the fullness of Thy Radiant Life, O God, we bow in adoration before Thy
Mighty Presence.

I bring you Greetings from the Great Master or God Meru, whose Messenger is
Nada. He is to one great mountain of this earth, whose mystery shall one day be
explained, as the Master Himalaya is to the Himalayan range. Nada is with Me in
the Golden City upon whose Twin Rays We come forth today. During these next
seven weeks, as designated and as you have felt, Our joint Ray shall come to you
each time from the Golden City.

I AM Invocation 10

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Looped 25

I AM Invocation

Thou Mighty, Infinite Presence, Thou All-Pervading Intelligence! Thy
Love, Wisdom and Power govern all things. Thy Divine Justice is ever operating in
the lives and worlds of those who look to Thee with unfailing determination.
We give praise and thanks that Thou art the Ruling Power and Governing
Intelligence ruling all things.

We give praise and thanks that in our world Thou art the ever-sustaining,
Invincible Power. We thank Thee. God always finds a way to help those whose
hearts reach out to Him.

I AM Invocation 8

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I AM Invocation

Thou Mighty, All-Pervading Presence! Thou All-Pervading “I AM”! We
give praise and thanks for the happiness pervading those under this Radiation. We
give praise and thanks that the Simple Key to Perfect Happiness may be given to
bless and to anchor these Children of God into their own firm Dominion. We give
praise for the harmony maintained within each student, and that they feel the
necessity to continue it. We give praise that “I AM” everywhere present, controlling
every outer activity and bringing it into Perfection.

I AM Invocation 3

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I AM Invocation

Thou Infinite, All-Pervading Presence! With Thy Mighty Radiance
surging forth throughout the atmosphere of earth, we give praise and thanks for
the onrushing Christ Power of Love and Wisdom, which with no uncertainty is
raising the consciousness of mankind above the sordid selfishness of the activity of
the outer self.

We give praise and thanks that we have become conscious of Thy Mighty, Active
Presence at all times, and that in the conscious recognition of Thee,
Thou dost charge our minds and bodies with Thy Pure Presence forever.

Book of Mirdad 11

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Book of Mirdad, Mikhail Naimy

“Men and women yearners must realize their unity even while in the
flesh; not by communion of the flesh, but by the Will to Freedom from
the flesh and all the impediments it places in their way to perfect
Unity and Holy Understanding”

GOD the Shepherd

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Looped 25

GOD THE SHEPHERD (21:52 mark)

I AM your shepherd; you shall not want.
I AM the rod that chastises and brings you comfort
I AM in the desert wilderness to be tender with you
I AM near to those who have a broken heart
I AM your confidence
I AM compassion
I AM in the father
I AM with you and will keep you wherever you go
I AM the refuge of the poor
I AM your Father
I am God in the stillness
I AM the Lord. He who is joined with me is one spirit with me
I AM the spirit of counsel
I AM your provider
I AM tenderness
I AM the true shepherd
I AM the dispeller of all fear and doubt
I AM interceding for you right now
I AM love
I AM the staff that retrieves you
I AM man’s friend who sticks closer than a brother
I AM the shepherd’s rod
I AM God who is with you in the valley of the shadow of death
I AM there with you
I AM God who strengthens you
I AM the candle lighting your path
I AM the Lord. Precious in my sight; is the death of all my saints
I AM the counselor; mighty God; everlasting father
I AM your peace and calm
I AM he who wipes away your tears
I AM the saving refuge of my anointing

Murphy Overcoming Fears

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Looped 25

Joseph Murphy: Meditation for Overcoming Fears of All Kinds

There is no fear, as perfect love casts out fear. Today I permit love to keep me in perfect harmony and peace with all levels of my world. My thoughts are loving, kind, and harmonious. I sense my oneness with God, for in him I live, move, and have my being.

I know that all my desires will be realized in perfect order. I trust the divine law within me to bring my ideals to pass. The father doeth the works. I am divine, spiritual, joyous, and absolutely fearless. I am now surrounded by the perfect piece of God; it is the peace of God which passes all understanding. I now place all my attention on the thing desired. I love this desire and I give it my wholehearted attention.

My spirit is lifted into the mood of confidence and peace; this is the spirit of God moving in me. It gives me a sense of peace, security, and rest. Truly, perfect love casts out all fear.

Murphy Impregnating Mind

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Looped 25

Joseph Murphy: Meditation For Impregnating Your Subconscious Mind

Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. My creative word is my silent conviction that my prayer is answered. When I speak the word for healing, success or prosperity, my word is spoken in the consciousness of life in power, knowing that it is done.

My word has power, because it is one with omnipotence. The words I speak are always constructive and creative. When I pray, my words are full of life, love and feeling; this makes my affirmations, thoughts and words creative. I know the greater my faith behind the words spoken, the more power it has. The words I use form a definite mold which determine what for my thought is to take.

Divine intelligence operates through me now in reveals to me what I need to know. I have the answer now. I am at peace. God is peace.