Tag Archives: I AM

Daily Affirmation 30

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Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

There is only ONE Power and Presence.
There is no opposition to this One Divine Source.
There is nothing to fight against nor fear.
There is no need to worry or rush about.
Spirit is the Doer and I am the channel.
I cannot predict nor control what is going to happen today.
But there is a Dynamic Something within that
responds to my thoughts, words and feelings.
I now align myself with the Infinite Presence within all.
All things in my world are accomplished in effortless joy & cooperation.

I awaken the Creativity and Genius within me now.
I TRUST the Source to line everything up without my manipulation.
I have no idea what should happen today for
I am on a need-to-know basis as a happy miracle worker.
I sense the Energies in each situation and I do not force nor resist.
I am not seeking or searching. I am invoking Higher Energies.

I RELAX into the flow of the Great Mother Tao and allow
all things to work together in harmony as I show up,
on time, prepared, doing what I said I would do,
with love, peace and Joy.

I am instructed by Source from within and expect
a day of joyous miracles and of Light.
There is nothing to fix – only an opportunity to heal.
For this I am so grateful as I now I release my day to God.
All is well, all is well, all is well.

Daily Affirmation 26

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I am magnetic to my good!
There is a Dynamic Something in the Universe which
responds to my thoughts, words, feelings and attitudes.
Today, I choose to focus on all that is good as
I go on rampages of appreciation and praise.
I TELL people how wonderful they are as
I lift them up – and I tell myself how wonderful I am
as I am lifted up to higher and higher levels of Joy!

I am irresistible to my greater good and
I am gathering up evidence that Life loves me.
My Infinite Source is within me and the blessings are
springing forth from me today in all directions.

I am not worried about the future for
the best is yet to come as I envision only the good.
There is no need for me to make anything happen nor
to be aggressive or pushy, for miracles of love
are opening the doors to my good with Grace and ease.
I remain calm and yet alert as I bless the world and
count up my own blessings while walking this path of Peace.

Daily Affirmation 17

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I rise up in JOY today as I allow the Light of the Season
to fill me up and flood out of me in waves of great abundance.
My hands, feet and voice are joyfully used to Help and Heal.
There is nothing the Light within me cannot accomplish
as I step back and allow the Christ Consciousness to lead the way.
My part is to do MY part and to release all that is beyond my control.
I put one foot in front of the other as I breathe in Peace and Grace
to light my journey through the world, blessing all as I go.
This is a day of Divine Fulfillment and of elegant miracles.

Daily Affirmation 14

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

Today I leave my littleness behind as
I make the choices that bring the Greater Life
into my Consciousness and into my experience.
My thoughts today are Guided by the Council of Light
within my own Consciousness, where Truth abides.
All that I do today is infused with the Love and Grace
which blesses the giver and the receiver alike.
I open my arms to welcome the gifts of Life today
as I remember that God’s Will for me is perfect happiness.
I am never selling God on my good ideas or trying to win favor.
All favor is already mine as I step up my capacity to let it in.
Nothing hinders or delays my good – I am gratefully ready.
I release all mistakes, guilt and shame from the past as
I step into my Great and Glorious Present today.

Daily Affirmation 12

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I am living in a Spiritual Universe, formed from loving Thought.
My thought is creative and is creating my world today.
Today I choose grateful, joyous, and loving thoughts as
I know that these thoughts will be reflected back to me.
I do not have to design the ways and means for this is an
Intelligent Universe that knows HOW and when and where.
My part is to align myself with my greater good as I RELAX
and allow in calm expectancy – my heart and mind open and receptive.
This is a day of divine fulfillment and limitless possibilities for good.
I happily participate as I allow my Creative Imagination to vision
only the best knowing there is no need to worry or rush.
The Universe has perfect timing and knows where to find me.
My faith and belief in the good are growing and expanding daily.
There is no opposite to this Divine Power and Presence.
All is well in me and in my world.

Daily Affirmation 10

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I am open to experiencing the best of everything.
Nothing is too good for me – nothing too good to be true.
Life loves me and wants to express AS a thriving me.
This is a lavish abundant limitless Universe – there is more
than enough good to go around – so many opportunities for good,
so much money, so many single available people, good food, knowledge,
love, kindness, resources, ideas, homes, healings and healers,
talent, understanding, inspiration, support and good connections.
There is no limitation, no ceiling to what I can be, do or experience.
I am lining up with my greater good as I give thanks
for all that has already been given and received.
I am happy in my now and joyfully open to even more good.
Today I am focused on the opportunities to up my vibration.
I am tuned into the Guidance that leads me to the open doors!

Daily Affirmation 8

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

Today I marinate in gratitude and quiet appreciation.
My soul is touching the Universal Soul today as I walk in Grace.
Infinite Wisdom guides my thoughts and actions today as
I remember that miracles are everyday things for anyone with Vision.
I know that right here, right now, all things are held perfectly
in the hands of God and that whatever I need to know is revealed to me
as I RELAX and trust in the still small Voice within me.
I offer myself to be joyfully used by Life today – to be truly Helpful.
I release all resistance and judgment as I see only the love and goodness
in all those who appear in my world today. Where I am, all is well.
Let the miracles begin!

Daily Affirmation 4

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I am living by Grace and sourced by Love.
I have dissolved all concepts of struggle and suffering.
I invoke the energy of the Cosmos as
I call my good to me today.
The limitless abundance of the Universe is flowing now –
and I am an open available vessel, ready to be filled.
There is no need to worry or rush – perfect flow is mine.
Problems solve themselves & dissolve before they even appear.
Answers to my requests come with ease and perfect timing.
Healing Light surrounds me & flows through me.
The air is thick with miracles & joyful transformations.
My heart is open – my mind is clear and spacious.
Today I look through eyes of love at a world of effortless Grace.

I AM Benediction 27

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

“Mighty I AM Presence”! Transcendent in this Christ Activity! We
give to Thee our eternal thanks and gratitude for Thy Love, Glory, Freedom, and our
conscious ability and power to accept the Fullness of Thy Glory made manifest in
the outer activity of our lives; that we stand with firm determination in Thy Light,
directed by Thy Wisdom and forever sustained by Thy Transcendent Love,
anchored within our hearts.

I AM Benediction 24

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Thou Mighty, Infinite “I AM Presence”! We rejoice in Thy Ceaseless
Outpouring, Thy Enfolding Presence, protecting and governing the Life of these
beloved students. Help them to enter into the Fullness of Thy Presence with no
uncertainty, that they may bless mankind wherever they may be or go. Intensify
Thy wondrous Light within the outer activity, that each one may become a great
channel to heal, to bless, to prosper, and to enlighten.