Tag Archives: Catherine Ponder

Daily Affirmation 5

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Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I greet this day with Peace, Joy and Love Divine.
Before me miracles are lighting the way to the open doors
which lead to my greatest good so far.
I give my full attention to the good, the true and the Holy.
My mind is focused on appreciation, praise and gratitude
as I give myself over to the effortless joyful Grace of God.
I am enjoying my NOW and happy to see what is next!

I AM Benediction 21

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Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Out of the fullness of Thy Mighty Opulence, O “Mighty I AM,” we
feel Thy Flowing Energy. We feel Thy Enfolding Love. We feel Thy Qualifying
Presence, hastening all who turn to Thee into Thy Perfection. We feel Thy Glorious
Presence enfolding them in Thy Mighty Mantle of Peace, enabling them to maintain
Perfect Self-control, sustaining them in Thy Mighty Perfection, that they may
manifest Thy Mighty Presence—now.

I AM Benediction 15

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Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Mighty All-Pervading Intelligence! We invoke Thy Mighty Wisdom,
governing our every activity. We invoke Thy Mighty Light illumining each one in
the fullness of Its Dazzling Presence. We invoke Thy Mighty Love to enfold all in Its
the fullness of Its Dazzling Presence. We invoke Thy Mighty Love to enfold all in Its
Mantle of Peace. We invoke Thy Mighty Power, that Love, Wisdom, and Power may
act in Perfect Unity, that It perfects all things upon which our attention has
become fixed.

I AM Benediction 11

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Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Thou Mighty Presence whom We in great joy have welcomed, We
thank Thee for Thy Great Wondrous Radiance and Light, Thy Great Radiance and
Conquering Power; and We trust that Thou mayest decree Justice now and for all
time to mankind.

I AM Invocation 26

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I AM Invocation

Mighty Luminous Presence! “I AM” the Conquering Power. “I AM” the
Radiant Splendor filling everything in manifestation. “I AM” the Life flowing
through all manifestation. “I AM” the Intelligence governing all activity, Inner and
outer, making it One Perfect Activity. Out of Thy Light, “Mighty Presence which I
AM,” all things are precipitated into form. “I AM” the Exhaust-less Energy governed
by Thy Wondrous, Infinite Intelligence. Light the Illumining Center within these
bodies who come under this Radiation.

Expand that Light into the Full Illumination of the body and mind, raising
it into Thy Active, Perfect Eternal Garment.
Mighty Light! send forth Thy Rays into the hearts of mankind, into all official
places, commanding Justice, Illumination and Perfection of Thy Self to express,
bringing relief, release, and Light unto humanity; and by Thy Governing Principle,
command all things in the outer human activity to give obedience. I bring you
Greetings from the Great Host of Loved Ones, who always watch and minister to
those whose devotion reaches unto them.

I AM Invocation 19

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Looped 25

I AM Invocation

Thou Infinite Presence! expressing Thy Perfection everywhere, we
welcome and praise Thy Perfect Manifestation in our lives, homes, and worlds, that
Thy Radiant Light may forever consume everything unlike Itself, that Thy Wisdom
may always direct, Thy Love always enfold, Thy Light always illumine Thy Perfect
Pathway, and that Thou dost hold us firmly in Thy Glorious Radiance, now and

I bring you Greetings from the Great Host, with Their Joy and Love for this
cooperation, and for that which can but bless, illumine and awaken.

I AM Invocation 14

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Looped 25

I AM Invocation

Thou Mighty, Wondrous Presence! We give praise and thanks for
Jesus Christ’s Presence today. We rejoice in the Fullness of the Christ Activity, the
Active Presence of God.

Out of the Fullness of this Presence comes pouring, like a mighty stream gushing
forth from the mountains, the Energy of Illumination. This Great and Mighty
Stream of Life, with all its attributes of Perfection surging into the hearts of
mankind, is anchoring in everyone Peace, Love, Harmony, Faith, and Charity to all.
Thou Mighty Presence, Infinite Love, enfolding all mankind! Give special notice to
these earnest students who have come under this Radiation. Give every Assistance
that is permissible. Strengthen them to stand unwaveringly in the Light and face
the Truth, joyously willing to pluck out of their lives and creation all undesirable

Fill all official places with Mighty Messengers of Light! Sustain them by Thy Mighty
Ascended Host, that they may be strong enough to stand unwavering and
successful before any sinister force.

We give praise and thanks for this day as an uplifting and wonderful memory
established in the consciousness of mankind. May that rapidly approaching time
come when every day may be a thanksgiving in the hearts of mankind for Thy
Light ever enfolding all who wish it. I bring you Greetings from the Ascended Host
and Jesus himself.

I AM Invocation 7

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Looped 25

I AM Invocation

Thou Mighty, Silent Watcher! Even as Thou hast before Thee the
Cosmic Crystal, send forth Thy Rays, anchoring them in the hearts of God’s
Children. Teach them obedience to the Great Cosmic Laws. Teach them obedience to
the Light. Fill their hearts and minds with Thy Peace, with Thy Silence, with Thy
Poise. Let the rejoicing of Thy Heart fill their hearts, every one—even to
overflowing—with Thy Substance and Pure Electronic Force that brings with It Thy
Immeasurable Infinite Blessings.

Let each one feel Thy Omnipresent, Watchful Care, Thy Sustaining Love, Wisdom
and Power.

Book of Mirdad 10

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Looped 25

Book of Mirdad, Mikhail Naimy

“Take care that you hold not your priceless life so cheap as gold.”

Book of Mirdad 1

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Looped 10
Looped 25

Book of Mirdad

Think as if your every thought were to be etched in fire
across the sky for all and everything to see.
For so, in truth, it is.
Speak as if the world entire were but a single ear intent on hearing what you say.
And so, in truth, it is.
Do as if your every deed were to recoil upon your heads.
And, so in truth it does.
Wish as if you were the wish.
And so, in truth, you are.
And live as if your GOD Himself had need of you his life to live.
And so, in truth, he does.