Tag Archives: Annalee Skarin

Daily Affirmation 20

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Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

If I am sad, if I am hurt, if I am lonely or in despair,
if I forget Who I am, or am filled with shame or regret,
if I am lost or overwhelmed and confused, if I lose my way,
if I feel sick, or wounded, or gripped by fear,
if I feel abandoned, weak, deprived or that I am not enough,
if I feel that I cannot go on, or do not know which way to turn –
I do not need to withdraw from the world to hide from life.
I can turn to my Refuge and Security by hanging on the Vine
as I drink in the golden elixer of the Divine Love that nourishes me
back to to wholeness and to remembrance of the Truth.
The Angels encircle me while I am being restored and renewed
even as I go about my normal day of people, places and things.
Grace enfolds me and I relax into the Everlasting Arms of
the Love that forgives, heals, soothes and feeds my soul.
I let go of time as I allow my heart to open to RECEIVE all
of the healing Qi that is flowing through me now.
There is no hurry, no way to rush the seasons of life.
Where I am is where I am, and I allow myself this time.
Mercy, kindness, gentleness and peace are the sun
that warm me now as I hang on the Vine
drinking in the One Power and Presence
which restoreth my soul.

Daily Affirmation 18

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

I am blessed and I am a blessing.
My world is filled with the most wonderful people
and we are co-creating a life of joyful abudant good today.
All are held in Holy Light today as the doors of plenty open wide.
Divine Order is established in my affairs and
all unfolds in great peaceful ease as I relax and breathe.
I am well loved and well able to give abundant love
as my heart opens wide to all who want to joyfully play.
Divine Love now draws to me all that is needed for my
greatest happiness and complete satisfaction today.
Nothing good is denied me and I open to receive
all the good that is mine today.
I am a grateful part of the Divine All.

Daily Affirmation 6

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Daily Affirmation

Life responds quickly to my positive thoughts today.
I am love and I see love all around me as
I walk the path of Grace and gently unfolding good.
I release all fear and resistance and
I trust Life to guide and direct my day with joyful ease.
I cannot fail to be at the right place at the right time.
All that I do is blessed, multiplied and prospered today and
the Universe can arrange every detail with great ease.
I am happy, grateful and filled with radiant faith in Life!

I AM Benediction 22

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Out of the fullness of our Hearts, O Mighty Presence, we give
praise and thanks for Thy Love, Wisdom and Power. We give praise and thanks for
the Mighty Rays that have gone out to each student today. We give thanks for the
intensity of this focus that quickens the assurance within the students of the Truth
of their “Mighty Presence of the I AM,” which is the True Self. Strengthen them,
each one, with that firm determination to hold to that One Presence which is all
Freedom, all Perfection, Eternal Youth and Beauty.

I AM Benediction 14

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

We give praise and thanks for Thy Infinite Outpouring, “Great I AM
Presence.” We give praise and thanks that at last, we know who Thou art, and that
within Thee are all possibilities. We give praise and thanks that Thy Mighty
Presence is always the Governing Intelligence, the Love enfolding, the Light
Presence is always the Governing Intelligence, the Love enfolding, the Light
illumining everything on the way.

I AM Benediction 12

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Benediction

Thou Mighty, Infinite Presence of God! We give praise and thanks
for Thy ceaseless Ministry. We call Thy Blessings, Thy Wisdom, Thy Intelligence to
act through each one, giving peace of mind, peace of body, and joy of heart, to go
forth the Ruling, Conquering, Victorious Presence over all things. We give praise
and thanks that the “Mighty Presence I AM,” God in Action, governs all official
places, causing Thy Perfection to be ever-operative and Self-sustained in Thy Name
and through Thy Presence.

I AM Invocation 16

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

I AM Invocation

Thou Mighty, Illumining Presence which “I AM”! in gratitude and
praise, we enter into the Fullness of Thy Presence today; and forever receive Thy
Limitless Blessings, Thy Strength and Courage, Thy Joyous Enthusiasm, all of which
is Self-sustained.

We know there is but One Presence! “I AM that Presence” of all Activity, all
Wisdom and Power, and in the Freedom of that Mighty Presence we stand serene,
unmoved among all outer things which seem to point to the contrary.

“I stand serene in Thy Great Forever; I claim Thy Great Dominion in my place! I
stand in the Radiance of God Eternal, ever looking Thee full in the Face.”

I bring you Greetings from the Great Host, and also Their Blessings for the happy
enthusiasm which has been entered into. We shall endeavor to sustain you in that
joyous enthusiasm as the Hub of this Radiation, because all the students will feel
and act It. Far more has been accomplished this week than was anticipated, and
We enter with you into the great rejoicing. The loving blessing of each student
unto the other is most commendable, and this simple thing will open the door, oh
so wide! to receive the fullness intended for them.

Book of Mirdad 4

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

Book of Mirdad, Mikhail Naimy

“Logic is immaturity weaving its nets of gossamer wherewith it aims to
catch the behemoth of knowledge.
Logic is a crutch for the cripple, but a burden for the swift of foot and
a greater burden still for the wise.”

GOD of Promise

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

GOD OF PROMISE (18:22 mark)

I AM returning
I AM God and I want you to believe in me
I AM he who places your tears in my bottle; in my book
I AM God who shows you things to come
I AM the 7 spirits and they are me
I AM the Lord; the fear of me is a fountain of life
I AM God; my secrets are with those who fear me
I AM life’s guarantor of joy and health
I AM God who will be found by those who seek me; with all their heart and soul
I AM; and you shall know my names
I AM he who leads you in the paths of righteousness
I AM the architect of the last days
I AM the sole key giver of heaven
I AM the God who hears
I AM the lord who hears those who speak about my name
I AM God who leads you to prophesy
I AM the soon coming king
I AM the Lord; I do not change
I AM always with you wherever you are
I AM God who speaks thru dreams
I AM God who reveals his form
I AM the healing you seek
I AM the savior who will descend on the Mount of Olives
I AM God who gives you visions
I AM God of those who are growing old
I AM coming quickly
I AM the one coming on the white horse
I AM the soon rending of the heavens
I AM the precision of my scripture
I AM waiting for you

GOD Of Mercy

Single Play
Looped 10
Looped 25

GOD OF MERCY (8:39 mark)

I AM God who is merciful
I AM favor; and I grant favor to whom I choose
I AM God of the spotted and the speckled
I AM the prince of peace; prophesied by the prophet Isaiah
I AM God who restores your soul
I AM the friend of sinners
I AM God; I tempt no one
I AM the God of peace
I AM he who weeps with those who weep
I AM he who speaks from a position of mercy
I AM long suffering
I AM my spirit
I AM gracious
I AM the forgiver of all transgressions
I AM the manna which came down from heaven
I AM the breath that gives you life
I AM he who will not remember your sins
I AM the beloved in the Song of songs
I AM God that stretches out his hand
I AM the liberty you seek through my spirit
I AM ever faithful
I AM God in the midst of your land
I AM the forgiver of iniquity
I AM abundant in mercy
I AM the altar of peace for your fear
I AM the Lord who makes wise the simple
I AM God who is daily full of new mercy
I AM God who comforts you
I AM God of the poor and stranger
I AM gentle and lowly in heart
I AM the Lord who exercises loving kindness

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  • https://iammeditations org/god-of-mercy